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RE: Good Old Friends: A Collage for LMAC Themed Contest #1

Such a romantic tale would not be out of place between the covers of a Mills and Boon. It moved even this retiring unsociable, and discontent person. Your collage is the perfect accompaniment, the two of you walking life's road together... though the floating baby heads are a tad Monty Pythonesque:)


though the floating baby heads are a tad Monty Pythonesque:)


I realized that after I published it. Not everything works out the way we think it will, does it?

retiring unsociable

Can't be more unsociable than I am. I am not a misanthrope, but socializing is just not my thing. As a matter of fact, when my husband came to work at the airport, I was insisting everyone call me by my last name, just to keep them all at arm's length. For a while I wore a fake engagement ring so men would 'leave me alone'. How did we get together? I don't know. Long shifts, late a night? 😂