Trees and Nature in My Collage for LMAC #125

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Every week @shaka presents a challenge in the LMAC collage contest. I try to wipe my mental slate clean when I consider these pictures. I don't want to see what is there, but try instead to see what might be there. This week exercise yielded results in a few moments.

This is @shaka's picture:
SQppmLY - Imgur.jpg

I almost immediately saw a horse, or a horse-like entity. I imagined the earth, trees and animals blending seamlessly together. My collage would represent a kind of artistic animism.

Certainly the idea of trees as being a font of life did not originate with me.

Here's an image from Iran, 5th or 6th century AD
Relief Plaque with Confronted Ibexes
Image credit: Daderot, Public Domain. Cincinnati Museum of Art Exhibit.

Here is another one from Iran, 1000 B. C.

Detail of a rhyton from Marlik
Credit: Behrouz.rayini. CC 4.0 license

Here is a suggestive image of a Banyan tree in India. The banyan tree is the national tree of India and is referenced in many sacred Hindu texts.
Banyan TreeBanyanTree.jpg
Credit: Ashish Sharma. CC 4.0 License

Making My Collage
I removed the structure at the center of the picture, broke it down into parts and re-formed it into the shape of a horse. The horse head came from a photo I had taken earlier in the day for next week's LIL contribution. I obviously had to smooth down the edges and color in the limbs of this creature to approximate the color of a horse. I left just enough tree moss to keep the horse/tree close to its original nature.
shaka 125 for blog.jpg
I looked for plants with which to adorn my animal, to make it one with nature. @onyechi and @mballesteros helped out with their contributions to LIL: flower from @onyechi and clover from @mballesteros.

shaka horse leaf3 for blog.png

I cleared the background and started to look for another entity to populate my collage. Playing around with constituent parts of @shaka's original tree gave me an upright figure. @redheadpei on LIL gave me a horse head, and I started to look around for branches. This I found on Pixabay, credit artrose.
shaka 125j for blog.png
The tree-like entity in the back on the left was added, then on the right a small tree-like creature with a goat head (from my contribution to LIL). There was something missing. Ah...@muelli's fantasy creature on LIL. @muelli also had contributed a donkey image, which served for the creature's head.
shaka 125 lunapic7a.png
I added final touches--did some cleanup, heightened colors on flowers and branches, added plants to the ground, ran the picture through a light Lunapic filter, resized/reconfigured, and I was done. Gimp, Paint 3d and Paint were helpful in the process.

LIL, LMAC and Me
I have said it before in this space. I once failed art in school. Is it not amazing that with this background I feel free to express myself through art? That is the magic of this community. From the first, I was welcomed. Over time, I learned to loosen up and allow myself to see what I want in an image.

Since @shaka started LIL some months ago, I have found the exercise of making a collage even more intimate. I am familiar with many of the contributors and many of the images. Often, I don't use an image from LIL as it is presented, but shamelessly alter it. All images on LIL are public domain, and all may be used as a collagist/artist wishes. Anyone in the Hive community may contribute to LIL, and anyone may borrow from the library. Rules for contributing/borrowing may be found here.

If you haven't tried your hand at making a collage for LMAC, jump in. Learn more here. Of course there are prizes (I don't compete). This week there is an especially rich prize pool because a long-time LMAC supporter, @balte, has added 30 Hive to the pot. But winning a prize is not the best reason to make a collage. The best reason is the opportunity to express yourself and to grow within a welcoming community.

I thank everyone who participates in LIL and LMAC. I thank the talented team that makes the community possible: founder and administrator, @shaka; genius coder, @quantumg; and multi-talented curator/moderator @mballesteros.

Finally, I thank you for reading my blog. I wish all my readers a productive, creative week.

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Your wonderful imagination is in high gear A.G. @agmoore. 😊 Love the idea of the trees having the horse heads and walking magical about.

Always interesting information in your posts, such as, the Banyan tree and relief plaques in this one.

Have a wonderful week, my friend. 💕

I did really get lost in this one, my friend. I kept going over the flowers as they faded. @muelli's fantasy creature really brought the thing to life. Thanks for your kind words. Every week, a new challenge. I think we are both learning a lot from meeting that challenge.

Have fun with your little furry friends in your backyard, @redheadpei

I like it, surreal and well elaborated.
Very interesting as there is always something new to learn and search to learn more about the elements that you add to your collages.

Hello @anibal-aa,

You are such a fine artist. Your assessment means a lot. It is a welcome relief from other concerns, getting lost in a collage. I do find that my mood affects what I do. Which means it's cheap therapy :))

Thanks for the support.

What a unique interpretation of the original photo. You have a vivid imagination. A lot of effort was put into this collage as well as your references to Iran and India. I always enjoy your work and look forward to seeing it every week.

You are so kind to me, always, @pokerm. Thank you for the support, and the words of encouragement.

We are really distantly related, and to give you a proof of that just wait lol.

Iran was once a very huge empire of Zoroatrians, people who worship fire, known as Paras (Persia), plaques you showed us are of those times. Banyan is a magical tree, in old times these trees served as a habitat for Djinns or ghosts, they also grow their roots on branches hanging downwards.

Well, your imagination is so powerful, it relieves a lot of tension. haha

Hello, and welcome. You see what I mean now, with the heads added on to @shaka's structure. I think we both thought of animating the figure, of uniting it somehow with nature. I love your discourse on history. I love history, period :)

Thanks for the visit and the kind words.

Very original

Thank you so much! I am not very skilled but I never lack ideas. It's fun.

hello friend what a great imagination the horses with arms and legs look beautiful I hope you and your family are well

Hello my friend, @cetb2008. Thank you so much for visiting. I did enjoy playing with this collage. Those creatures came to life in my mind :))

We are well and I hope you and you lovely children are enjoying family hikes.