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RE: Farm Workers, in My Collage for LMAC #170

Hello @litguru,
Thank you for reading and commenting. Always interesting.

All those robots in the field? How expensive will that be for the farmer? What kind of overhead will the farmer have? Are you sure an underpaid worker without benefits would not be cheaper? Isn't that the bottom line?

I'm sure I won't be around to see the development, unless it happens really, really fast😄


I'm being provocative with my AI comment, but I think I'm presenting the worst (or best) case scenario in regards to AI's impact on the labour force.

I'm sure I won't be around to see the development, unless it happens really, really fast😄

You'll be surprised how fast things can ramp up in the tech sector. To put things in context, in the USA, about 90% of the population was involved in agriculture during the 1850s. Now, it's less than 2%. So, it's not outside the realm of imagination to see AI picking up the remaining 2%.

I looked into my crystal ball, and I predict that farming as we know it will disappear with the advent of intelligent agents. It will remain a hobby, the way fishing, bush-crafting, and camping are today. You will also win the lottery if you buy the numbers inside the fortune cookie. :)