This week my collage for LMAC #136 (see details hereYoutube video that showed hippos swimming in the rivers of Colombia.) was inspired by something I learned from @abneagro, in the StemSocial community. @abneagro writes the most remarkable blogs about insects, the environment and sustainability. He referred me to a
The hippos are a legacy from Pablo Escobar, the notorious drug lord, who kept a zoo when he was alive. After his death the zoo was cleared of all the animals, except the hippos. These non-native ungulates adapted. They left Escobar's estate and propagated in the forests and waterways of Colombia. In this environment, hippos present an existential threat to native species.
template photoI noticed the cliffs, and the trees beneath them.
When I saw @shaka's evocative
These became the focus of my collage. I think I had the hippos in mind all along. The sheer disregard for the native environment that their presence suggested, reminded me of deforestation and general despoiling of the environment--not only in Latin America but around the globe.
Clearing of forests occurs for the sake of industry, and for the sake of residential development. It occurs for mining and for ranching. While emissions account for much of global warming, the clearing of earth's forests also has an effect on climate.
Another practice depicted in my collage impacts climate. This practice is represented by fire in the foreground. Crop residue burning, occurs in agricultural areas around the world. This method of clearing cultivated land contributes dramatically to global air pollution and also damages the fertility of the land.
My friends at LMAC, who contributed to the LMAC Image Library, LIL, made this collage possible.
- forests and waterways.@quantumg kicked it off with his dramatic photo of
Yucca trees
Palm trees
Fire@muelli contributed three images, all from LIL:- Bananas@bella76 contributed the
- Fruit.@teungkulik contributed the brilliant red
Thank you all! I've designated each, and @abneagro, as 2% beneficiaries on this post.
I also borrowed several images from Pixabay:
Here is an intermediate step
Adding the fruit took a long time :)
At some point I decided an elk didn't belong in Colombia, but the country is host to a bear species: the speckled bear. I had to settle for a black bear in my collage.
LMAC, a Fun Community for Artists and Non-Artists
I'm not an artist, but that has never stopped me from expressing myself through art, in this community. Every week we sponsor a contest, which is run by @shaka, community founder. Throughout the week we accept contributions form the Hive community to our Image Library. We also welcome Hive bloggers to borrow from the community library. Details for library contributing and borrowing may be found
here.Please join us when round #137 of our collage contest starts on Thursday. Details may be found on @shaka's blog, Prizes are great (even greater this week because friend of LMAC, @balta, has contributed to the prize pool).
Thank you for reading my blog. Please, everyone, have a most peaceful and creative week.
Hi @agmoore, I really like the creativity that you always share in your publications, besides they always have a good informative complement, in this case you make a very good mention about some of the most notable problems that put at risk the environment and everything that conforms it. Regarding the case of the hippopotamuses in Colombia, I still find it incredible that the acts of Pablo Escobar continue to do damage despite being dead for more than 20 years, even these hippopotamuses end up being innocent victims. A pleasure to read you again, best regards!
Hello @abneagro,
Thank you very much. You see how your blogs inspire me? They fit so perfectly with my world view, but they expand my understanding of that world.
All my life I've been creative, but never could I create visual arts. Hive has made this possible through the collage community. Science, art, history, literature, language: for me now there are no divisions.
I appreciate your kind words and look forward to reading more of your very informative blogs.
Warm regards🐝🐞
You always make these collages so interesting and informative. I had no idea Escobar had a thing for hippos. He sure has a thing or too to answer for. 🦛
Thank you. I do recommend that you read @abneagro's posts. He writes in Spanish, but does all his own research and photography. His blogs are priceless and I think they fit right into your knowledge set.
I love making collages, because I have no art skills :))
I appreciate your visit.
As always a wonderful collage with information on the hippos and Escobar, A.G. The addition of the fruit is a lovey touch. 😊
Thank you my friend. I'm afraid that traces of my years as a social studies teacher pop up in my collages. Fun, though.
Thank you for stopping by, my friend.
thank you very much my friend @agmoore, for the motivation for me.
It is a pleasure, @teungkulik. You have great pictures and you are a valued member of the LMAC community.
Thank you very much my friend, I will try and continue to learn from every post and image that is loaded. So that I can give my best in the #LMAC community.
What a beautiful collage!! I enjoyed reading about Pablo Escobar and his zoo. You are a valuable asset to the LMAC community.
Thank you my friend, @pokerm. It is always wonderful to see you commenting on my blog.
Hello thanks for using Lmac images, your collage is nice
Thank you, @bella76 . Your bananas really added a lot to the picture. Thank you!
wow cool, i like it. such a perfect combination, I never thought of making a collage like this.