A selfie with Goya
At three in the morning I woke up with the image of a drawing I did some time ago to illustrate one of my stories, "El doblado". That image tugged at another more powerful one, "The Giant," Francisco de Goya's engraving.
I want to apologize for the arrogance implicit in the fact of putting my clumsy drawing next to the Master's work (it embarrasses me a little, but it amuses me more, so...).
Somehow, collage allows us to achieve the impossible.Today I woke up when it was not yet dawn. Last night I was busy with my collage. The photo that @shaka gave us this time (beautiful, as always) put the fairy tale title in my head; however, for some reason I couldn't get this idea to fit graphically, and I knew I wasn't really convinced. With so few hours to close, I felt the pressure, but I put the matter to rest. It's something I've learned: sometimes it's more productive to step away for a while. I went to sleep.

I want to leave @shaka's beautiful photograph here, untouched, because it's worth reveling in without intrusion.

A collage for What if...?
I'm almost certain that my collage deals with the theme of imagination. More precisely, the construction of fictional worlds, which is not the same thing. You see, in Fiction Theory, it is argued (and I fully agree) that fictional worlds are salient structures that we construct by applying referential schemas from a primary reality. Superman can fly. This characteristic has been extracted from the primary reality, the real reality, and has been applied to a being that in our primary reality does not possess it. This task can become very complex and we can build worlds that verisimilarly sustain the illusion of being complete (and their procedures are very complicated too, much more than in my crude example).

A collage is...
A collage builds a very rich micro-world, which attracts with extraordinary force the load of the elements that it places in its context. The collage is also a crucible where realities are transmuted. And it is a space where desires are fulfilled. Where an amateur can be an artist next to Goya and laugh about it.
If you want to grow as an artist, this is a good place.
Francisco de Goya(1746–1828). Estampa. Obra también conocida como "El Coloso"
I loved your world of imagination.
Every week the challenge is more difficult, there are excellent collages, very well elaborated.
Thank you, dear @eve66. Same to you. I have seen how you have been "unleashing" and making proposals that are higher stakes. Thank you for your generous words. I feel honored.
Nice collage.
The mirrors are meaningfully fixed.
Good luck in the contest
Thank you, @alovely. I'm glad you noticed the detail. Good luck to you too.
Un mundo paralelo hecho a tu medida, en esta actividad jugamos a crear universos inventados o soñados. Somos poderosos y volamos a otras dimensiones. Me gustó mucho tu trabajo de esta semana. Suerte @adncabrera
Gracias por pasarte por aquí, querida @evagavilan2. Los mundos imaginarios y la forma en que se construyen son temas que me apasionan. Si hubiera salido como estaba en mi cabeza, arraso...!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Realmente muy artístico tu collage. Parece que el gigante esta imaginando el mundo y viendolo volar. No tengo imaginación para ver mundos diferentes como tu y otros artístas, mi mente creo que solo ve números!😂 Abrazos!
Un abrazo enorme.
Bienvenida siempre.Gracias por la visita, @mballesteros. Y sin embargo, si no me equivoco, anoche vi 3 mundos distintos en tu post partiendo de una idea. Y los tres eran preciosos. No está mal para una mujer de números.
Dear @adncabrera,
For a work such a this, that is the proper formula. But even in more conscious, rationally oriented exercises, sleep often solves a problem for me.
I was unfamiliar with Goya's giant. I love it. It keeps drawing me back. I like the way he's looking back at us, and the way light hits his shoulders.
Of course you draw in response to such an image. That's what it's for. It's meant to provoke, to elicit a reaction. It's not a dead thing--it lives through the audience. Your image is evocative, also. I imagine your dreams may have been unsettled that night.
Interesting, as always.
Regards and affection,
The giant is a spectacular print. Goya has always been one of my favorite tormented. Everything about him moves me and, as you can see in this print, the eyes of his characters look out at the viewer with everything.
I almost never remember what I dream (maybe that's why I love listening to people tell their dreams), but I'm sure that many of the images that visit me during the day have been fabricated while I was asleep.
Now that work takes up most of my time, I really miss the spaces that allowed me to wander through those images, even when many of them are dark. Nightmares are a demanding realm. Goya knows this.
A hug, my dear @agmoore