My Quarantine Challenge : "improvements to the choice of useful content"

in OCD5 years ago


this time I will continue about what I will do during my quarantine.Thanks to the @theycallmedan initiative, I have written about what I did during my previous quarantine.

this time I spend my time by searching and choosing useful content for me to post on my blog and this is about,
rice cutting / harvesting using a digital machine


this machine works very easy and fast!


different from before, farmers cut their rice using saddles, then they used their rice thresher. and it can take a long time from the rice cutting process to about 3 days. but if you use this technology it only takes 1 hour with a land area of about 1/6 hectares of land.


Everything has been put into a sack and the owner of the rice fields only needs to lift and bring home to their homes.

I think that's a challenge content that I can share with the community, and I think it's very useful because by knowing the advantages of using digital machines and for now we don't have to use it the traditional way.

Improvements for me are improvements about writing and sharing content that is beneficial to everyone.

Thanks you @anomadsoul has guided me to write this challenge.

#quarantinechallenges #quarantinelife

Witnesses here.and I am very grateful to @blocktrades for sponsoring this contest and also to the organizer @ocd-witness and creative assistance from @c0ff33a witnesses. To show them your support, choose three of them as