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RE: "Temporary Stand-down" ? I'm on Unpaid Leave due to Pandemic

in OCD5 years ago

Terribly sad to hear about that, mate. It's certainly hard these days, and even with remote working, there's no telling if those businesses can sustain employees' salaries. I hope you'll get back on your feet, and straight into that office soon! For now, it's good to hear that you've applied for a few jobs, and I hope you get those too.

We might just have to embrace this new normal of uncertainty until a vaccine is ready, and even then, there's a year or two of adapting back into what we used to call ordinary. The second wave is currently the biggest concern, though if we can sustain our progress, and flatten the curve, it might be permitted to reopen sooner rather than later. Take care, and stay safe :-D


Yeah, the decision is immediate and lots of us didn't have time to prepare. Businesses are under huge losses. Our senior told me that the management is planning to layoff lots of its employees, so although it says that it's temporary stand down, lots of people are going to lose their jobs.
I'm not a "core" employee so I risk losing mine too, so immediately I started applying to remote positions.
The new normal is scary as we don't know how long this is going to last. I wish the government changed the modal of the lockdown so that businesses can function a bit. In the meantime hoping for the best.

Stay safe my friend. :)

It's certainly a new normal that we have to get used to, as hard as it may have been for everyone. The good news, is that your work can be done pretty well even remotely. Difficult as it is, we're rather fortunate compared to some others, as we can still function with a computer and internet connection, as a lot of jobs in retail, and others that requite physical contact is hit pretty hard right now. A lot of my mates are out of work, as well.

Stay strong, and we'll all get through this in no time. Adapt, and conquer. Good luck with the work, and be sure to always stay safe :-D