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RE: G-dogs weekend-engagement topic week 4: Draw yourself [Win hive!]

in OCD5 years ago

You say this is terrible, but I'd hang this up on my fridge, without a doubt. If anyone asks, then I'll just say that my toddler drew it XD I wasn't planning on drawing anything, but then I thought that maybe a simple doodle could be a welcoming distraction from a downer of a week. But, problems arose!

Just for you, I was going to pop open Paint 3D. For reasons that I can never understand, it froze my computer and gave me the dreaded blue-screen of death. TWICE! This is quite literally the third time I had to write this comment, and it's bloody annoying. But anyways, my masterpiece was at least saved, and after 30 minutes later this is what I have to show.

This is something that I truly enjoy... running from my responsibilities. Write a post? Nah, I'm going to run away into the fields, and roll along with the dandelions. I didn't add any flowers, but I'm not going to risk another blue-screen :-(

It's Something.png


This is not terrible at all and you should make a magnet out of it. It's fun.

I'm really glad this challenge exists, because as you say, it's incredible fun. Amazing to see how some silly doodling and chicken scratch sketches could bring so big a smile onto my face :-D


Well, I can see you are an expert runner...Probably very fast too considering how powerfully built your legs are! And that face bro, so handsome. No wonder them girlies chase you around hoping to snag you up for their boyfriend. You must leave them swooning in your wake!

Glad you entered.


Lol, I've been through many a leg days, so you know they're ripped! You see that girl in the house? She asked me out, but then I was like, "nah, going for a run... can't let those flowers enjoy nature by themselves you know?". Ran through some pretty ladies, but they're not getting in the way, hell no XD

In all honesty though, I'm genuinely proud of what I've created here. I didn't think that some silly doodling on Paint could herald such a masterpiece. How much you think a modern art collector could but this for... 1, maybe 2 million?

3 bazillion for sure mate...I know a few that may be interested in buying it!

I'm glad you exposed your massive legs mate, Arnie would be proud of them, and that you had a go at the competition.

Ah, thanks for the offer there. Hammer goes down for 3 bazillion dollars to Mr. G-Dog. SOLD! To be honest though, I'm somewhat concerned over the disproportionate ratio between the girth of my legs to my arms. My legs are ripped, but I think my arms need a lot more work done. 💪

More protein shakes mate...That'll make your arms massive...You don't even have to work out. Just drink protein shakes prior to non-workouts, and after. Lol...Read it in a magazine. 😂

I'll take you up on that, mate. You can always trust the magazines... Protein shakes for the win!

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