Cheers for the rewards, mate. With the price of Hive as it is, it's enough to reward me with some tasty Oreos! Thanks for keeping us community ever so engaged, for the friends that we made along the way, and not to mention all the laughter. If I ever time travel back to Ancient Greece, what should I bring back as a souvenir, you wonder?
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If you're heading back to Greece feel free to bring me back a few bags of gold.
Does Persian gold sound good to you? My mate, Alexander the Great - and he assures me that no man-love is to happen between us lads - is taking us out to loot Babylon next week. He tells me that Persian Gold has a better grade, so I could bring back a whole wheelbarrow of that. Would be worth more than Greek gold in any case.
Yeah, that'll do...Any gold really, .9999 is preferable though. None of that 9 carat shit...Also, just watch your back...Alexander is wily like a fox and might try and put one over you...or into you.
Perfect mate, I've found this big ol' golden statue of some lad called Nebuchadnezzar. I think I'd scrape and chisel a few gold bits from his balls, and call that a mission success! I'm definitely keeping my eye on Alexander. I've put on a chastity belt just to make sure he doesn't stick his little Alexander in places where it shouldn't belong 😳
Lol, chastity belt. There's a post (with photos) there mate...You gotta!
Well, I did bring a camera until some Greek bastard smashed it into pieces, thinking it was some sort of Persian sorcery. It was stainless steel, had a padlock on it, plus a little porthole for number ones (and twos), and everything!