Early stories about HIVE BLOG

in OCD3 years ago


Awalnya, dunia saya hanya seputar dunia bermain main , khusus cerita blog. Sampai suatu ketika, saya merasa, tidak boleh berada di titik nyaman. Saya harus bermain keluar dan mencoba dunia baru.

Akhirnya saya berani menjejakkan kaki di dunia blogger. Sebenarnya, saya juga banyak terinspirasi teman penulis cerita anak yang seorang blogger juga. Apalagi ada "bisik-bisik tetangga, kalau dunia blogger ada kemungkinan besar untuk mendapatkan uang" Makin semangatlah saya.

Alhamdulillah sudah 5 bulan saya berada di dunia blogger. Tidak hanya menambah teman, tapi blog juga membuat saya semakin semangat berbagi cerita dan ceria. Intinya, saat melakukan sesuatu, jangan memikirkan hasilnya saja, tapi jalani prosesnya dulu dengan senang hati. Maka hasil akan menyapa dengan sendiri.

Selamat Blogger hive.

At first, my world was just around the world of playing games, specifically blog stories. Until one day, I felt, it shouldn't be at a comfortable point. I have to play out and try a new world.

I finally dared to set foot in the world of bloggers. In fact, I also inspired a lot of children's story writer friends who are bloggers as well. Moreover, there are "whispers of neighbors, if the world of bloggers there is a high possibility to earn money" The more excited I am.

Thank God I've been in the blogger world for 5 months. Not only does it add friends, but blogs also make me more passionate about sharing stories and being cheerful. In essence, when doing something, do not think about the results alone, but go through the process first with pleasure. Then the results will greet by themselves.

Congratulations blogger hive.