HiveBlocks shows that you have extremely limited resources. With just 5 HIVE POWER, you only have resources for about a post a day. A comment costs the same as a post.
The best way to earn alt-coins is to study the different tribes and actively participate in the tribes that interest you.
Creative Coin is interested in posts with creative content. You drew pictures for your post so you might find CCC interesting.
If you are way into discussing Crypto, you will find interesting, but they will downvote people who drop posts that aren't related to crypto.
If the tribe feels that you are being spammy, then they will downvote you.
I actually looked at all of the tribes. It is largely a matter of trial and error.
The biggest mistake that newbies make is that they dump the coins they receive. It is best to just stake (power up) the coins you receive from a tribe until you have a nice stake of coins.
I like to examine the richlist of the different tribes. You can do this with the HIVE-Engine Explorer. This link shows the richlist for POB
The tribes have roughly the same interest rates. So, CCC trades for about a tenth of POB, but you are likely to get ten times more CCC coins per post than POB.
The VYB Tribe is relatively new, you might find it easier to earn VYB than POB.
The tags determine which coins you receive.
It is okay to include a couple of relevant tags on a post. So, you could put a post with a picture and use both the #creativecoin and #pob tags.
As with SteemIt, you can write one post with the introduceyourself tag.
Hive is a little more aggressive than SteemIt about spam. Make sure all of your posts are original.
I have 25 WINE in my account. The command below should give you 0.1 WINEX coin.
0.100 WINEXCongratulations, @yintercept You Successfully Shared With @koningcashflow.
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You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.
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WINEX Current Market Price : 0.360