Why are you equating censorship with exclusion from curation? Those are two different things.
I would call that curation censorship. At least heavily discouraging certain types of content. We know that the upvotes are affecting the visibility of the posts on this platform. Less upvotes means less visibility. And besides less mood to post those kinds of content.
I don't understand what's the point of bringing this up. What are you trying to get across?
The fact that most people (including me) earning cents with their posts.
Many people would be happy for a $1 payout on their posts, let alone $10.
A pending payout on a post close to $10 is actually very good. Many people do not earn that much in a week.
It's not curation censorship it's the curator's discretion. Those aforementioned topics can be divisive and contentious. Rewarding one view on any of those topics could be seen as supporting from bias. To avoid any conflicts of interest it makes sense to support and foster the niche communities and topics that are being supported.
Curation is a choice just like posting is a choice. I was in the position you mentioned making cents per post. I started back in 2017 and i never complained about not getting exposure or traction... i just kept plugging away with a focus on the topics that interested me. I definitely never told others how to curate and what would be appropriate for them to do with their own stake in the blockchain.
If it's not worth the time or effort to put forth in your own posting then why is it important to criticize one of the biggest initiatives on the platform that rewards smaller accounts for their time and effort? There is literally a whole team of curators that scavenge this blockchain for undervalued and quality posts.
OCD has been one of the biggest supporters of fledgling communities and accounts. I curate more than two different incubation communities and countless accounts have been rewarded and growth has been fostered within those communities adding value to the whole platform. My own posting has suffered because of the time i spend to help find and encourage newer users. I believe the time and effort is worth it even at my own expense!
I guess we can all be entitled to our own opinions based on our own personal experiences. I wish you all the best, rather it's here or somewhere else.
This is mutual. I registered on the Steem blockchain on 2017.05.17.
I said it is not worth it, because people usually ignore them.
Putting hours or work into a post just/only to earn a few cents and no (or only a few) comments is not worth it.
And since English is not my native language, what more, it is far from it (my native language is Hungarian, which is not even Indo-European, like English), I put double work and effort almost into anything on this platform. Just try to understand and write a Hungarian sentence. And if you feel that the challenge is easy for some reason, then try it with the Old Hungarian alphabet (traditionally written from right to left), not with the latin alphabet.
Isn't that part of content creation? not being guaranteed that you'd get positive, negative or no reception? Seems like you're not really using that time and effort effectively if that's the results you're yielding. And what's with the language challenge? I'm sure your native language has it's own set of rules for communication but isn't that argument a little bit off the mark when some people that thrive on the platform aren't even native English speakers?
Positive reception: Fine.
Negative reception: Also fine.
Even neutral reception is fine.
No reception: Not fine.
Content creation on a social network is supposed to get some kind of reaction. That is why social.
If I want to write for myself, I open up some kind of text editor program. Or simply get a pencil and paper.
They have a lot of money. I do not.
I have multiple disabilities, and a low (approximately $250 USD per month), pension like income, which is less even that the minimum wage (approximately $550 USD per month).
Then are you consuming content of other people that create content here? how often do you check and engage with other members of the community? I think you have to earn your audience first before you start complaining why no one notices.
And also factor in the type of content you public. Would you read someone's thesis explaining complex algorithms without any practical use down to the finest technical details an expert could best explain with their respective field? I won't. It's not the type of content I would bother.
Is your content a popular topic relative to the type of ecosystem we have here on Hive?
If you're still having trouble answering that, then part of the problem is not getting that part.
You'd be surprised if you bothered to check that some of the leading earners aren't that loaded and just struggling as much as you do.
Yes. Regularly. Even now.
Almost every day. Being on the 16th place of the engagement league is a relatively good place.
I also give tokens for engagement.
Now I give you some !PIZZA.
No, I would not read that at all. And I would not write that either.
$PIZZA@adamada! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @xplosive.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza
Then understand that the people you're networking with may not have stake or the same interests aligned with your content. Even the votes I get are like that if not most of what I receive and I'm fine with it.
Nothing wrong about becoming frustrated after putting in the work but without any good results that come out from it. I get you as I do experience that from other platforms outside Hive. Just saying it's not all content that rules. You also need to consider that your supporters may not have the stake to get your posts with a lot of $ but that doesn't necessarily mean your content ain't good.
You're in an environment where your content or way of networking is inefficient or just too niche to gain traction. Compared to general mainstream art content and music that's easily relatable, yours is understandably unpopular but not necessarily lacking in value. Somewhere out there may be a platform that could suit your niche and give you the audience you may want.
Thank you for the Pizza.
I commend you for having such a command of English being a second or more language for you. Hungarian is extremely difficult. I think you do quite well in expressing yourself in English.
My encouragement to you would be to take time to put as much effort into your posts as you do your comments. Share photos that are in focus and maybe post less but with more effort and quality. In many cases, less is more.
Topically, not everyone will be interested in the same things as you are. But if you find a community that is and your content is relative you will probably find more success with that approach.
As you know, the text editor is much better now that we don't have to code our posts. In my opinion, something is better than nothing. To get something for Any effort is a much better prospect than doing it somewhere else for free.
My advice to you, not that you asked for it, would be to take some time to reaccess your approach and modify your posts accordingly moving forward. You have a decent following and i do know that if you powered up your rewards more often your vote would be worth much more.
I am sure that you have been around long enough to know what works for others. Success is something that can be adopted into your own strategies. I do wish you all the best!
Thank you for your encouragement and for the suggestions, but I must mention the fact that most of my followers are inactive nowadays. They left the platform long months/years ago. And gaining new followers feels like close to impossible, despite constantly/regularly interacting with others. Probably I am not wrong, if I say that being on the 16th position in the engagement league is not that bad.
I give you some !PIZZA for the good conversation.
$PIZZA@castleberry! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @xplosive.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza
When did you say it's not worth it? I got curious and checked your posts. I'm just wondering, if you're a curator, would you upvote your posts over others'? What makes your post special that people should care?
I'm not belittling your posts. I hope that should be clear. I mean that as a content creator, if you consider yourself to be one, you should think about your intended audience. Else, if you just want to share your mundane day-to-day life, don't expect people to care because their lives are already mundane as they are.
The reward pool and people's voting power are limited resources. You can't expect people to vote anyone and everyone's posts. So it will always be a competition. That's how a meritocratic system works. You are not censored or barred to post anything that you want to share. Just don't expect people to care about you or your posts. Don't mix things up.
Every upvote, tip, or comment is freely given. And you should be grateful if you receive them. Just don't be entitled and expect them. It's always a curator's discretion to recommend posts for an upvote. That's why you need to definitely determine if your post is worthy of an upvote or not.
I stopped self-upvoting long time ago, so no, I would not upvote my posts. I support others.
What makes other people's posts special? A joke, a good (or even a bad) photo, an interesting story or fact, a discussion, or even a viewpoint, an opinion. It could be literally anything. It is totally random.
When I get them, I am happy and grateful. But the comments are so rare (not just/only on my posts, but in general) that it is discouraging and disappointing.
There are plenty of other curation projects out there that will support the content that OCD chooses not too.