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RE: Decent dude gets apprehended...By a decent dude

in OCD5 years ago

Over had quite a few. Lost my licence three times due to demerits for speeding. After seeing Motorcycle Cops on TV I realised just how easy we have it here in New Zealand.

I did blow exactly on the limit once which meant I basically got off Scott free but that was under a different limit.

The first few tickets I got the cops were all pretty cool and I NEVER be a dick. That just gets the book thrown at you so you’re not cool for mouthing off at a cop, just a complete moron.


I've had my share of tickets for speeding...Get's expensive.

I agree with you in that being a dick when pulled over won't get a person too far. It's crazy what some do when they are pulled over, how angry they get. Do the crime, do the time I guess huh?

I'm not much of a drinker so RBT's don't bother me...I like to drive fast though, but have curbed my enthusiasm in the last few years.

Thanks for chiming in.

P.s. I was in NZ last October, South Island. Spectacular place. Loved it and will be back.

The drinking thing was just a dumb one off thing. I'm by no means proud of that and to be honest that woke me up a hell of a lot.

Yeah, it's not smart I guess but good that it gave you a wake up call...So many don't change their ways and that affects everyone on the roads and off. I have a mate who is 61 and since he was 9 has had no use of his right arm and walks with a heavy limp...It just hangs limply. Was crossing the road at the lights as a 9 year old and was hit by a drink driver. Pretty sad as it ruined his whole life.