How's it going? greetings to all the communities in Hive, I hope you are all doing well; I came to this space thanks to the fact that I met a friend: @caribayarte and I told her about a problem that I have been presenting for a long time and I wanted to tell someone and write about it, she recommended Hive to me.
¿Qué tal? saludos a todas las comunidades en Hive, espero que todos estén bien; llegué a este espacio gracias a que me encontré a una amiga: @caribayarte y le comenté de una problemática que estoy presentando desde hace mucho tiempo y quería comentarle a alguien y escribir sobre eso, ella me recomendó Hive.:
I was born in the state of Guarico - in my beloved Venezuela in 1994.
Nací en el estado Guarico - en mi querida Venezuela en el año 1994.
I am an orphan, I was raised by my aunts, I thank the universe for giving me the opportunity to be in the hands of close relatives, although I recognize the loneliness I sometimes feel, they were a great support to form me as a professional.
Soy huérfana, me criaron mis tías, le agradezco al universo por darme la oportunidad de quedar en manos de familiares cercanos, aunque reconozco la soledad que a veces siento fueron un gran apoyo para poder formarme como profesional.
I have to confess that I did not like the career I studied, for reasons of economic necessity I had to study at the INCES and when I graduated from there I studied public accounting, today I work in my profession and I manage to support myself with it, on that side I am very well, However, as time goes by, a situation has been accompanying me and it has to do with my sexuality processes, I do not manage to find myself, my friends talk to me about their experiences and I never know what to say, I tried to live experiences with different conquests but that did not help me at all, rather another problem arose.
Tengo que confesar que la carrera que estudie no me gustó, por motivos de necesidad económica me tocó estudiar en el INCES y al graduarme de ahí estudie contaduría pública, hoy en día empleo mi profesión y me logro mantener con ella, por ese lado estoy muy bien, sin embargo con el tiempo se me va presentado una situación que me ha venido acompañando y tiene que ver con mis procesos en la sexualidad, no llego a encontrarme, mis amigas me hablan de sus experiencias y yo nunca se que comentar, intenté vivir experiencias con diferentes conquistas pero eso no me ayudó en nada, más bien me surgió otro problema.
After having relations with all and all my partners have told me that my personality changes when we are doing it, they say that I change a lot, they comment that they feel that another personality takes over me, I believe them, and I accept it, the situation reaches such a point that I came to forget everything that happened at that time.
Después de tener relaciones con todas y todos mis compañeros me han dicho que mi personalidad cambia cuando lo estamos haciendo, dicen que cambio mucho, comentan que sienten que otra personalidad se apodera de mí, les creo, y lo acepto, la situación llega hasta tal punto que llegó a olvidar todo lo que sucedió en aquel momento.
Knowing this I started to research on the internet and with the help of different therapies I was able to define what I have "Dissociative Identity Disorder".
Al saber esto empecé a indagar en internet y con asiste tía de diferentes terapias logré definir lo que tengo "Trastorno de identidad disociativo".
This disorder is known as multiple personality disorder, where the person is alternately under the control of two distinct identities. In addition, the person is unable to recall information that he or she would normally remember easily, such as everyday events, important personal information and/or traumatic or stressful events. I was very grateful to know this information, but I did not like going to therapy anymore, I decided to take this process as part of me, I accept it and I learn to live with it, it is not easy but I do not want to see it as a problem anymore, I will enjoy it and Hive will be part of my experience.
Éste trastorno conocido como trastorno de personalidad múltiple, donde la persona está bajo control de dos identidades distintas de forma alternativa. Además la persona no puede recordar información que normalmente recordaba con facilidad, como los acontecimientos cotidianos, información personal importante y/o acontecimientos traumáticos o estresantes. Agradecí mucho saber está información, pero no me gustó ir más a terapia, decidir tomar este proceso como parte de mí, lo acepto y aprendo a vivir con ello, no es fácil pero ya no quiero verlo como un problema, lo disfrutaré y Hive será parte de mi experiencia.
I am very happy to find this space and I hope you like it for all my content.
Estoy muy feliz por encontrar este espacio y espero que sea de agrado para todos mi contenido.
Your story is very interesting, the photos a bit risque but very well taken artistically, I quite liked your post.
@baptisttadg Thank you very much, I hope you like my content
Hello, @women1! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!
If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.
Well, you can explore the communities that suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program
Have a great day!
Hello @lovesniper Thank you very much for the information and for the welcome, I am going to verify the communities that adapt to my content