Many people have told me about this platform, especially my neighbor @eribetzi. She caught my attention, from the first moment she started talking about this great platform.

Mi nombre es Viviana Yaritza Arroyo Morle, Tengo 29 de edad, nací el 13 de Noviembre del año 1991, vivo en Venezuela, Estado Monagas, Municipio Cedeño donde se Baila el Mono de Caicara, pero Actualmente resido en el Municipio Maturin.
My name is Viviana Yaritza Arroyo Morle, I am 29 years old, I was born on November 13, 1991, I live in Venezuela, Monagas State, Cedeño Municipality where the Mono de Caicara is danced, but I currently reside in the Municipality of Maturin.

Tengo el privilegio de tener una Hermosa Familia, Mi Esposo Leonardo Jose, el cual ha sido mi compañero, mi amigo, mi amado; ha estado conmigo en todo tiempo. Mis Adorados hijos, Santiago Nael con 9 años de edad y mi pequeño Angel David, 4 años de edad.
I have the privilege of having a beautiful family, my husband Leonardo Jose, who has been my companion, my friend, my beloved; he has been with me at all times. My Adored sons, Santiago Nael, 9 years old and my little Angel David, 4 years old.

Mi Amiga Fiel - Mi madre / My Faithful Friend - My mother
Una mujer Luchadora, Guerrera, Hermosa, Mi Amada Madre Yaritza Morle, ha sido con un gran ejemplo a seguir en mi vida, sus palabras y su consejos me han llenado de fortaleza, han edificado en mi vida, ha sido mi refugio en momentos difíciles. Ella me inspira cada día a seguir adelante.
A woman fighter, warrior, beautiful, my beloved mother Yaritza Morle, has been a great example to follow in my life, her words and advice have filled me with strength, have built in my life, has been my refuge in difficult times. She inspires me every day to move forward.

Me considero una Mujer con muchas cualidades, Emprendedora, Bondadosa, Buena Amiga Dadivosa, Excelente Esposa y Madre. Me gradué de Bachiller, ingrese a la Universidad de Oriente, curse TSU en Contaduría Publica.
I consider myself a woman with many qualities, enterprising, kind, good friend Dadivosa, excellent wife and mother. I graduated from High School, I entered the Universidad de Oriente, I studied TSU in Public Accounting.
Actualmente soy Ama de casa. Soy una Mujer de Fe, Apasionada por conocer de Dios cada día, su palabra me edifica, me fortalece tanto a mi como a mi familia.
I am currently a housewife. I am a woman of faith, passionate to know God every day, his word edifies me, strengthens me and my family.
Dios no tiene consentidas, pero me considero una de ellas, he podido ver la mano de Dios moverse a favor de mi y de mi familia, en Tiempos escasez he visto su Provisión, su Amor, su Misericordia, su Fidelidad.
I have been able to see God's hand move in favor of me and my family, in times of scarcity I have seen His Provision, His Love, His Mercy, His Faithfulness.

Mis Objetivos a alcanzar en esta Plataforma / My Objectives to achieve in this Platform.
- Aprender de cada una de las comunidades, que hacen parte de esta plataforma.
- Poder demostrar mis habilidades y talentos.
- Poder conocer y hacer Amigos.
- Generar ingresos para suplir algunos gastos de mi hogar.
Saludos y Bendiciones para todos.
- To learn from each of the communities that are part of this platform.
- To be able to show my skills and talents.
- To be able to meet and make friends.
- Generate income to meet some of my household expenses.
This has been a small part of me, and what I am, waiting for your welcome to this wonderful platform.
Welcome viviana11!
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Thank you for the welcome, I am very happy to be part of the hive platform.
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Bienvenida a Hive, @viviana11.
Gracias amigo.
Welcome to Hive! 😊