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RE: Winged Bones

in OCD5 years ago

aaaaaaaaa yeah, i remember that too XD;;;; i have issues with self esteem~ so many wonderful artists in the world, and i always felt like it's a different play field outside of steemit and i had doubts.... DOUBTS!

but i'm glad to brave my doubts, to be sure :> thank you for the vote of confidence, zeen <3 you're a gem * ___ *

YESSSSSSSSS CARPENTER BRUT is amazing, oh man, i'm so glad you likey * ___ * I like Paradise Warfare too, but I think I'm still partial to Escape from Midwich Valley cuz it has gothicky vibes :>

And and and, that's alright, a project that like what you talked about is bound to be sloooooooooooowwwwww but but but, steadily is good <3 I showed you my friend's game, right? It took her two years to put together. YEARS~

Thilahs are really amazing <3

And thank you for the hugsies <3 I will send you more hugsies on this day 17 February 2020.... 3 days after valentine's day, mon cheri zeen~ <333333333333333

PS. Steemit Inc has been sold? apparently? to TRON. Imma discord you~