Ice-cold Beer on a Sunny Day

in OCD4 years ago

Ice-cold Beer on a Sunny Day

Not really into alcoholic beverages and social drinking, but when the fridge is packed with cold drinks, I do drink on rare times.

I prefer drinking alone, especially on a stingy summer day, a small bottle of beer is a treat.

Sometimes, I'd grab some red wine and just sit by the porch while just being lazy.

Sometimes, I don't know why my old self went to places like this one—alone.



It is an acquired taste and talent to enjoy the look of a nice cold bear. Your “San Miguel” bottle remind me of my favor beer “Miller Genuine Draft”.

It's funny, my father is an alcoholic, but I don't crave for alcoholic beverages. He used to drink hard liqour, but has long been warned by his doctor. He can consume 2-4L of beer alone in a day, everyday (the real beer, not the flavored one) even now.

I do drink beer, wine, tequila mix, maybe ~5 times a year. I also like the taste of some "not-so-refined" beers :)