Proposal for 2. Airdrop (out of Blacklist)

in OCD5 years ago

Dear Hive User,

The past weeks have been very exciting and just as hard for all of us. I don't want to go over all that again and tell you what happened. Rather, I would like to point out the Hardfork, which helped to hive his birth.

We were on the blacklist of Hive with our account @travelwithus. This happened because among other things we voted for the Wittness of Tron. But these were not the only ones we voted for. We also voted for Blockbrothers.

Why did we vote for this Wittness?

The reason why we voted for this Wittness was because at the beginning of the dispute we saw an inequality. With our votes we wanted to get both parties to sit at the table and talk to each other in a calm and reasonable way. That none of the parties had absolute power as Wittness, but a balance, so to speak, which compels them to talk. And which produces a common result.

Unfortunately this attempt failed and so we were put on the blacklist. We want to emphasize that we are not against the community or against Hive.

Since everyone of you knows that we are often on the road, taking pictures and making videos, I have to admit that in the course of the dispute about Steemit we missed out on many things. We also missed to withdraw our votes when it escalated further. Who is father of children, who knows from experience that sometimes things are forgotten, the everyday life is often stronger than the own memory.

We have been with Steemit since July 2017 and have contributed 99.99% of our time to the community every day. . Almost 3 years and that every day. We care a lot about the platforms and the people behind them. Because here we got to know people and friends, an enrichment for life.

We will continue to be here every day.

For this reason we are applying for the Airdrop with this mail, which we did not receive at the Hardfork. We would like to continue to support the community and bring more new users to the platform in the future.

Thank you very much for your hearing...

Your @travelwithus


Liebe Hive User,

Die vergangenen Wochen waren für uns alle sehr aufregend und ebenso hart. Das alles möchte ich nicht noch einmal alles aufzählen was passiert ist. Eher möchte ich auf die Hardfork zeigen, welche zu Hive seiner Geburt geholfen hat.

Wir waren mit unseren Account @travelwithus auf der Blacklist von Hive. Dies ist passiert, weil wir unter anderem die Wittness von Tron gevotet hatten. Das waren aber nicht die einzigen, welche wir gevotet hatten. Ebenso hatten wir z.B. Blockbrothers gewählt.

Warum hatten wir diese Wittness gevotet?

Der Grund warum wir diese Wittness gewählt hatten, war, dass am Anfang des Streits wir eine Ungleichheit gesehen hatten. Wir wollten mit unseren Votes beide Parteien dazu bringen dass beide ruhig und vernünftig am Tisch sitzen und mit einander reden. Dass keine der Parteien eine absolute Macht als Wittness haben, sondern ein Gleichgewicht sozusagen, welches beide zum reden zwinkt. Und ein gemeinsames Ergebnis hervorbringt.

Dieser Versuch ist aber leider gescheitert und so wurden wir auf die Blackliste gesetzt. Wir möchten betonen dass wir nicht gegen die Community oder gegen Hive sind.

Da jeder von euch weiß, dass wir sehr oft unterwegs sind, Fotos und Videos erstellen, muss ich zugegeben dass ich dann im Laufe des Streits um Steemit dann wir vieles nicht mitbekommen haben. Ebenso haben wir es verpasst dann unsere Votes zurück zu ziehen, als es weiter eskalierte. Wer Vater von Kindern ist, der weiß aus Erfahrung dass manchmal Dinge vergessen werden, der Alltag ist oft stärker als das eigene Erinnerungsvermögen.

Wir sind seit Juli 2017 bei Steemit und haben zu 99,99% täglich unseren Beitrag zur Community geleistet. . Fast 3 Jahre und das jeden Tag. Uns liegt sehr viel an den Plattformen und den Menschen dahinter. Denn hier haben wir Menschen und Freunde kennengelernt, eine Bereicherung fürs Leben.

Wir werden auch weiterhin hier täglich dabei sein.

Aus diesem Grund beantragen wir hier mit diesem Post den Airdrop, welchen wir beim Hardfork nicht erhalten haben. Wir möchten die Community weiterhin unterstützen und in Zukunft auch weitere neue User auf die Plattform bringen.

Vielen Dank für euer Gehör….

Euer @travelwithus


Thanks dear @balte for the upvote

Hope you will get it, you are a great user and it would be fair if you get it.

ich wünsche euch viel Erfolg! Hoffentlich klappt es!

Habt ihr ein eigenes Proposal, für dass man voten kann? Oder wie läuft das ab?

Du kannst sehen, dass es nach hinten losgegangen ist. Wir werden gerade niedergemetzelt, weil wir unter anderem Blockbrohers als wittness gevotet haben. Ebenso dass uns hier gesagt wird, was wir mit unseren Coins tun sollen....

I will not support this proposal and advise others not to as well.
Since coming to Hive and having my support, he took advantage of it and he started to repost his content and posting 4-5 times a day to milk rewards.

In some cases even reposting within 24 hours of the original post.

We also voted for Blockbrothers.

This just makes your case even weaker.

Hi @themarkymark,

Thanks for the comment. I am sorry that I am posting this video by mistake today again, that was not my plan to post it again. As well, I didn’t know the limit of the day of amount for postings. Can you tell me the rule please, or please post the link where it is written.

As you can see on the blockchains Hive and Steemit, I am posting since long lime and every day my own created videos and pictures. I am not a short living account, which comes and milk and run away. I am since middle 2017 posting every day and upvoting every day German and international Users. The Germany community, as well the international Community know me very well. With my account, I am upvoting every day Users, never mind how low or high the prices are from Steemit or Hive. Not like other users who comes here when prices are high and run away when the price is low….

What is the differents between me, who is posting severel times a day and earning small ammount of Hive.
Another big USER here on HIVE who post once a day, but upvote himself too and make 100,200 or even much more with each post? Who is the bad guy here???Now i am asking you @themarkymark one thing and i hope you answer it:

You only see, that i post severel times a day. But you didnt see behind the scenes. To create my videos and pictures cost me far more as I earn with them. Thousands of Dollar I spend for them, and what I earn is a small peanut of it.

I was allways happy about your upvotes in the past and respect it. It was never my plan to milk any plattform. I never downvote any users or hate them here or in the past on Steemit. I respect allways everyone and everytime.

I like to repeat it again: I didn’t plan to post this video again today, but I have a growing family and there are many sleepless nights in the past 6 month because of new born baby. It was a mistake and I agree that mistake. Sorry for the double posting.

You have continuously reposted the same videos multiple times. It is not a one time "mistake".

Dear @themarkymark

I did it because I was really dissatisfied and disappointed with the time Steemit and Hive had with this fight and the blacklist. I am a user who has been here since 2017 and writes daily and support daily users

I was really disappointed that I was on the blacklist for no real reason in my eyes. Because like I said, I've been a daily Steemit user since 2017. I was so disappointed and angry that from then on I didn't really pay attention to what I post anymore. Nevertheless I wanted to show the other users that I am still here and continue despite the missing airdrops, other upvote and my post bar.

Hive is still close to my heart, as I said, I was very disappointed about all this and that I didn't find anyone I could really turn to for the blacklist. There was no one to turn to. It was like being outcast for me, even though I am a normal user and don't belong to Tron.

I see that here on Hive and on Steemit nobody has the courage to admit his mistakes. I see my mistakes and I stand by them, I will not make these mistakes anymore and I will start over again. I hope that I will be given the chance to do so.

Thank you