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RE: Who is SunnySpooky

in OCD3 years ago

Are you kidding me? This intro was anything but bland - nicely done @sunnyspooky (and I gotta say since I didn't before - awesome handle!). I can't wait to see your posts on ?????? because it's one of my favorite topics... 😂

Seriously though, nice bunch of interests you've got so I don't doubt you'll never lack for content. And while I never wrote full time as you did (though I minored in it at college), I will say there is definitely a wonderful feeling to just write what you want, when you want.

Few more communities you might want to take a peek at, now that I know more of your interests -

Cinnamon Cup Coffee

Haveyoubeenhere Community

Blockchain Gaming

Last bit - not to be a stickler, but when you share images that aren't your own (even if they're "free to use"), it's considered good form on Hive to include a source link, or at the very least make mention that you don't own it (and if that's the case, it shouldn't be the main part of your post - like, sharing a professional photo and saying, "isn't this cool" which is so preventative on other social media). I'm probably overexplaining it (it's my super power 😂), but thought I'd shout out so you'd know & maybe edit the post before someone takes issue with that amazing Shy Moon photo (which matches nicely with your Shy Turtle!).

Oh, and for the record, I love Halloween too. 🎃 💛


Hey, thank you for the kind words, encouragement, and for reading! I've been on the Blockchain Gaming community but I will definitely check the other two out as well.

Also thank you for the heads up on the images. I was careful to select ones that permissions were set to free to use, even commercially. I'll have to look back over the newbie guide to see the best way of attributing these types of images in the future but for now added source links on the bottom of the article. Hopefully, that will be alright.

As for could anyone not like it is beyond me! ;)

You're very welcome, and links at the bottom definitely work! Sometimes I get fancy and link the image, but most times I'll either link at the bottom, or right under the picture like it's the caption - whatever strikes my fancy at that particular moment. 😊

And completely spaced asking before, but have you jumped onto the OCD Discord? You're probably already aware, but there's a channel there devoted to Gods Unchained that you might want to check out as well.

Oh, and speaking of Halloween love, even though it's a ways away still, figured I'd let you know that the always awesome @hivebuzz team offers a Halloween badge every year. How cool is that? 😁

Oh wow, yes I'll be all over @hivebuzz Halloween badge this year, thanks for the heads up!

The funny thing about the OCD Discord is I joined it for the tournament a little while back but didn't make the connection to OCD here on Hive right away for some reason. That is sort of embarrassing!

LOL! No worries - not like Hive isn't already a bit confusing without throwing Discord in the mix. Not surprising you might not make the connection. Feel free to tag me in general-chat if you ever pop in and have a question (or just want to say, "hi"). 😊