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RE: Some thoughts on @lovesniper and our upcoming onboarding program

in OCD3 years ago

First things first...

Wicked appreciate the shout out, @ryzeonline & I'm so glad we didn't lose you! As @acidyo said, it isn't easy work, but it's totally worth it to have community members like you stick around. 😊

As for the @lovesniper / @ocd relationship thing, I'll take a stab at explaining it - OCD is Acid's project, which is focused on supporting Hive content across a wide variety of topics/communities by making use of curators & community leaders who recommend individual posts for curation. A few months back, Acid put together a team to additionally focus on people posting for the first time on Hive. I think that's it in a nutshell. 😁

Thanks again & hope you're having an awesome weekend!


OMG that personalized gif with my name on it. Feelin' the love :)

You and Acid's work is clearly paying off, I hugely appreciate it.

And wow, that was a clear, precise, enlightening explanation. I get it now! Thank you.

Wishing you the same, wooooo! 🙏