The earth has existed for over 4.5 billion years and life has been proven to have first existed on earth about 3.5 billion years ago. Algaes and bacterias were the first forms of life seen on earth. As life evolved and humans were formed. Ever since then humans have been distributed all over the earth and have advanced in their way of life. Over time, civilisation has improved the livestyle of humans and at the same time, it has caused a lots of problems for humans. Mother nature was a perfect ecosystem with respect to the human habitation and survival, but man needed something more aesthetic and to his taste. New technologies have brought big advantages to human lifestyle but it has also brought lots of damage to the ecosystem and nature. Below are a few global issues the world is facing which most of them are human activity generated problems.
Corona Virus
This is the most recent issue that has ravaged the globe and its still on rampage. This virus has infected over 1.7 million people worldwide and has claimed the lives of over 108k people. The virus was first rumoured to have been engineered, which ofcourse who ba considered human made, but I'll not dwell on that now. The only reason this virus is a pandemic is because of our modern transportation systems. According to WHO the virus is mainly passed around through contact with an infected person, or touching an infected surface. Also when an infected person sneezes or coughs, the virus could fly up to 1.3 meters in the air and land on surfaces. So basically, if we didn't have these modern transport systems, the virus would've been stuck in Wuhan where it originated.
Global Warming/Climate Change
Talks of global warming and climate change has been on the headlines for over a decade now. The ozone layer keeps depleting and the harsh rays from the sun keeps penetrating into our atmossphere. This global warming is caused by heat and green house gases generated from our industrial activities. This gases trap heat from the sun and sends it down on the earth, causing devastating effects to our ecosystem. The heat trapped in these green house gases warm up the earth, which makes the sea level rises, due to this the floodplains are expected to increase. Recent research show that the melting ice from the Arctic adds about 14,000 tons of water to the seas per second. Now do the maths and see how much water melts from the Arctic per year. Over the past 5-6 years, there have been numerous cases reported worldwide about massive flooding of large geographical areas, which has led to the destruction of life and property and has rendered alot of people homeless, also taking away the habitat of a lot of animals.
In 2020, the estimated population of the world is 7.8 billion people with China and India alone constituting over 1/3 of that population. The growth rate of World population is also estimated to be about 100million per year. Over the years, family planning and population growth management has been a serious concern for world government, so many means have been put in place to curb the high rate of population growth. China has been the most brutal country in terms of measures taken to curb population growth. In 1979, China introduced the one child one family policy and very serious measures were taken to ensure this. There are concerns that with the rate of population growth, the earth would reach a point where it can no longer sustain the life living on it.
Terrorism has been a great issue which ages far back to the 1st century. Over the years, different geographical regions and states have been ravaged by one terrorist group or the other. These terrorist are humans like us who go about destroying lives and properties due to some of their notorious beliefs. In modern day terrorism, all of the weapons used by these terrorist are created legally and sold illegally to these terrorists. These brutal weapons are all products of high and enhanced tech. This is the perfect example of every good thing has a bad side.
This is what life is all about. You cannot exist without problems or challenges. There is a law of Uniformitarianism in Geology that states they the present is the key to the pass, in essence, everything that is happening now have once happened in the past. Some may last for months, years and even centuries but the world will keep surviving. The solar system is an ecosystem and it would always find ways to create balance even though the effects might be catastrophic for life on earth, but it will all pass away.
Here I shared it to my twitter.