Ambition or Vision

in OCD4 years ago


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How many know that we were born to fufill a particular course.The discovery of that course is what is called vision.We all have a particuar plan,a particular function which is being assigned to us before we were born.Journey with me as this story of two brothers draws a line between vision and ambition.

There lived two brothers named Frank and Edward in a community; they were not born with a silver spoon so that made them to live a hard life in most of their days.Growing up was very difficult for them because they had to undergo jobs that are highly degrading before they could make ends meet.It was a hard life for them as most times they could not afford three square meals in a day,so they cry uncontrollably to know why they were experiencing such a hard life,but no one could tell.It was as if their lives should come to an end,often times they challenged God when going to bed that they don't want to see the next day,but as another day dawn they heaved a sigh of relieve because of their unconsciousness of what the new day will bring,that has been their modus operandi for living.


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One day,they both went for the day's business,hawking bread and butter on the highway,as that as has been what they mostly live on.While on the highway trying to catch up with moving vehicle to sell their goods,a brand new model Ferrari car passed and later stopped in a few distance to them,they took to their heels after the car because they believed it has stopped to buy their bread and butter.On getting their they heard someone shouting their names from the front of the car,they were both amazed as Desmond opened the front door of his car.They could not believe their eyes as they both screamed his name,'Desmond! so this is you.They expressed unpleasant surprise because during their hey days in school,they were by far academically superior to him in all subjects.


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Desmond who had become a Managing Director of a bank and a business mogul in the society gave them his business card and told them to give him a visit very soon.So he bade them farewell as he drove off.Frank and Edward could not continue with the sales of that day because they were emotionally destabilized and went home with a thought that if Desmond could make it,they'll give it all it takes to make it as well.
They could not sleep as they impatiently waited for the new day.They were to visit Desmond as early as possible in house.
As the new day dawn,Frank and Edward took off to visit Desmond in his house.On their arrival,they could not believe their eyes,' this mansion is the most beautiful one i've ever seen in my life'.Frank said soliloquizing.


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Desmond was pleased to have them around,they gisted about the past experience and lot more.Desmond shared his experience of how he had encounter with Christ and since then he never regretted the encounter as that birthed the era of transformation in his life.He promised to help them by giving them a huge amount to start a new life.
Frank and Edward left Desmond's place with a dogged determination of becoming great in life.Edward was touched about Desmond's encounter with Christ and decided to give up everything to believe in God's purpose for his life.Unlike Frank who was carried away by Desmond's fleet of cars,modern facilities and other treasures.Frank therefore decided to use machiavelli's method to be successful. Frank was driven by his own earthly ambition to become a powerful politician in order to rule over every man in power in his society.He had the devilish idea of exterminating anyone standing on his way.Frank had an ambition and nothing was too evil for him to do in order to achieve it.Frank became great and famous in his different notorious vices.He was driven
by his ambition to kill,destroy and pulling down of others down to achieve his goal.Frank did not end well at all,after many years he was attacked by assassin and was shot dead in his own mansion.Unlike Edward,after many days of trusting God for his own vision had a heavenly dream,he saw himself putting smile on the faces of orphans and less privileged in the society.He saw himself fufilling purpose in his dream.Edward woke up and gave up everything to start building the orphanage house.He put all the money he got from Desmond into it and kept believing God for supernatural supply.He never had to go stealing,killing,defrauding or begging for sustenance.He was an ordinary man who had an extraordinary task and dared to step out in faith.This was a vision from God,therefore God gave him the enablement to bring it to fruition.


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Edward became famous as he was the talk of the town about his philanthropic gestures.He received support from the government and all well to do people in the society for the finance of his projects.Edward became rich,had family,had cars and was very successful because he got a vision from God and he stayed on it.Edward's love for God and contributions to the society made his name remained immortal from generation to generation even after his demise.
The lesson i want you to learn in this story is that no man gives himself a vision.Every true vision comes from God.It is good for us to understand what vision and ambition is.Vision is God-given while ambition is man-made.Vision is from above while ambition has its origin on earth.Ambtion is born out of an earthly drive to do it better than others.It springs mostly out of envy and a desire for power and self recognition.These desires run so deep that men use immoral methods in order to achieve power and self recognition.Vision put an end to a life of struggle as we can see in Edward's life.Vision gives you a goal to aim at with purposeful strides;not as one beating about the bush,it gives you a definite focus.Seek God for your own vision today and you'll be glad you did.Stay blessed.