
To clarify, I'd be happy to work on it if you bankrolled the dev haha. Just shooting my shot.

Hive Powered Git is a natural evolution if you at all believe Hive's reward system will one day be big (and if you don't believe Hive's reward system will one day be big, I'd love to hear why). That said, it's nothing I'm interested in going at alone.

I think everyone would be interested in doing something if someone else will bank roll it.

That shot was poorly thought out, honestly. But it would be cheap.
Being conservative, let's say it'd take me 2 months and no money to build an alpha of Hive Powered Git. If I had ~$2k to pay a low market experienced dev, that could probably be shipped in 1-2 weeks. But, again, that's just the proof of concept.

Furthermore, once a proof of concept is built, there is a ridiculous amount of seed money out there right now (it's a trend for VC's to fund smaller VC's), and more money to take you all the way after that.
I'm just not in the position right now to command much, and would have to give up equity by the boat loads just to get pennies from a carpet bagging VC. That doesn't sound fun!

It's a respectable ask, but since I'm not really interested at the moment, idk why I asked 😅