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RE: How I plan a last-minute trip (to Paris) in 10 steps

in OCD2 years ago

I have always felt and experienced how Paris welcomes you with open arms.
It is always so much fun.
I would have said explore Paris on foot as you it is a lot of fun if the weather is right however with your foot condition the bike option seems to be the way to go.
Enjoy your stay and by any chance if you are planning to hop on the metro avoid the office rush hours and keep your wallets tightly tucked in.


Thank you! Oh yeah... two points that I should've added to the list, security and weather checking! It's going to be rainy, and we will try to avoid rush hours or very crowded places (besides the tourism) like the Central Station.

I wish my foot condition was better, but I guess biking around is a good way to go! Have you tried that yourself during your stay in Paris, or are you located in France :P ?

Though I am not in France have been lucky to be there but have traveled there several times so can more or less find my way around with some additional help of apps . Actually love exploring Paris on foot on a nice clear day it is truly memorable experience.
I relied mostly on the metro and once couple of times had a car however getting a parking space in central Paris can be quite a task so you may end up parking quite far away.
With bikes that is not the case though I never hired them myself.
Though I did consult the weather app however on a couple of occasions it rained suddenly when it showed sunny day.
This was particularly on the day we had planned to go to the Eiffel Tower.
On the day you are planning a trip to Eiffel Tower specially when the the sun goes down and the lights come on is quite a moment.
Hope you are lucky to get a clear day with no haze to capture good aerial shots of the city from the top.

One think you may add to the list. When you plan to go up the Eiffel tower they do not allow any cans, umbrellas , bottles etc it can be tricky where to leave any such stuff.
I think they want you to buy everything up there.