Hey there world, how ya doin?
My name is Pieter, I have been on and off this platform through the years on Steemit and now on HIVE!!! I have my personal (@p1eter) and other project pages (@dewallen, @dse, @taste-in still a work in progress.)
This here is an old idea that given the current Corona Virus pandemic has been sticking it's head out, so I thought... fuckit, why not?

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The plunge is an old project I had started with friends that would have been an online media show running under @dse. I would love to use this time at home to try and get it going again. This time starting off with something a lot simpler.
If you have been on the platform for some time and you like watching videos of musicians you might remember the Open Mic challenge that used to be hosted by @luzcypher. I myself am also a musician in @dewallen and me and my band have been thinking of what to do with all our free time. We decided we should maybe do online videos but the idea never came to flourision. I then decided to pop in and see what was going on with the Open Mic challenge here. To my disappointment I saw @luzcypher hasn't been active with the challenge in 8 months.... What to do???

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It was then it all came together in my head, so here we go! The Covid Sessions will be the first project by @theplunge. It will be a weekly Open Mic challenge. More details will be in an official post later today.
We will also be doing some music reviews and more projects, so if you are a musician and you would like us to check out your art and maybe do a discover/review article about let us know!!! If you have some extra hive and you would like to delegate, donate prizes for the Covid-Sessions please let us know in the comments.
Until then, hello everyone and hopefully we can help make your lockdown/self-isolation or what ever your situation may be, just a bit better with some good music!
Welcome to hive! :)
SKits!!! Welcome