Quasars ? Brightest object's known to human's!

in OCD3 years ago


Have you ever wondered while watching the beautiful night sky , what kind of objects illuminate so brightly that they are even visible when they are like a billion light years away. Quasars are one of the brightest objects present usually at the centre of the galaxies.They can outshine most if the stars present in the galaxy.

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The name " quasar " actually has something to do with how it was discovered. About a century ago most of the radio survey received from the sky were normal but some them appear to be as blue stars , although the photography made them seem as if they were Hallow . Since they were a lot like stars they were named as - "Quasi Stellar Radio Sources" that in short is written as quasar .
The scientists discovered 🔭 that the brightness of quasars varies in repeation over a few days interval meaning the size of quasar (that quasar atleast) is about a few light days . If something compact as a quasar illuminates so brightly it means thats there are a lot of reaction goun on it which in turns means --->> there are a lot of reaction going in it (nuclear fusion) .Since its own radiation is very high it can keep itself from exploding due to that huge pressure, at least a million solar masses is needed for it to not cross the Eddington limit.

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Galaxies usually conatin a vey massive black hole at the center of it . These blackholes have material around them move at high velocity and fall into an acceleration diack and powers the dead star. Only new galaxies can usually form black holes but sometimes even galaxies on collision with other galaxies lead to formation of quasars. the same can happen with our very own milky way galaxy it could help in creating a new quadar if it collides with Andromeda galaxy in 4 billion years.

Fact💯 : We are actually never seeing the present what we see is always the past. Let me explain what i mean so basically we all know that the light of the sun takes over 7 min to reach the earth so basically the aun that we see is actually is how it was 7 min ago. Same can be said to the atars that are billions of light years away, we are only seeing what they were a a billion years ago not thier current version. They could probably be blackholes by now.

Thankyou for reading upto the end ! let me know your thoughts on this topic in the comments. Hope you learnt something new!