The communication style of the insane

in OCD5 years ago

Being rich can buy many things, but it can't buy intelligence, class or style.

It seems that Justin Sun has lost his mind, or perhaps has never really had one. Perhaps I am too old and from a generation that just doesn't get it, but the sheer immaturity of this person is incredible - and that some people actually support the insanity is beyond reasoning.

Is it greed? A love of drama? A cry for attention?

OI000139 1.jpg

Perhaps it is affection.


This is going to be a sentence for the eternity of crypto.

I hate people talking about themselves in the third person. Talk about fucking Self-aggrandizing...

By all reports, some members of the community don't mind getting fucked by this guy. It is surprising who will bend over for a little STEEM. Or Tron. I think it is good to note which accounts support the centralization of the chain and who will sellout, even if they don't support it.

And then this...


The post from 6 hours ago stepping out an eleven point plan culminating in Fucking Justin Sun has been edited...

I know most of us complained about the lack of Steemit Inc before - but I don't think that this is what anyone had in mind. The communication of Justin/ Tron Team is psychotic.

Go home Tron, You're drunk.

Where is home to be?

I didn't want to have the stake destroyed as I think doing it will open a wound in the community that might never close, but we are also bleeding heavily as it is, and a fork would open different wounds anyway. While this is a trustless blockchain, the community layer does require trust, something Justin Sun has seemed incapable of building from the get-go.

While the wounds would be open for some time to come - humans are amazingly resilient and will heal in time. One thing I am glad about is, the Steem community is human and is made up of thousands of beating hearts. For better or worse... Let's get all of this shit work done so we can start building again.

Interesting times. Crazy times. When will the good times start?

[ a Steem original ]



His reps were on MSP waves in the palnet channel a few moments ago, I believe we are making leeway. There’s a major negotiation scheduled for 3hrs from now

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I can't listen in unfortunately at the moment....


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Yeah, they are discussing it in the PAL discord and the witnesses have moved off to another place I think.

Well. I hope anything I've been saying out here has been read and helps. I have words and thoughts all over the place. But I don't think too many give a fuck what I think anymore... LOL! sigh

It is satisfying and very rewarding to see that Steemit is not, as many thought, just money, no, it is many hearts beating and embracing this beautiful platform that is more than a network, for many (myself included), it is life itself. Thank you for your words, for sharing and for that feeling of defense of our ecosystem. I am proud to be Steemian. A hug I leave you here. @tarazkp

It has been very interesting to see who has moved where and how they have gone about it. Many have gone for the money, more have gone for the decentralization.

Hold on :)

It was an important and decisive moment because the masks fell off and only the real ones were left, the ones who really love this platform. Thank you for being on this side, the side we all believe in: the side of growth and conservation of our spaces, all together, sailing on the same sea. Another hug for you! @tarazkp

Conservation is an integral part of this blockchain - it remembers all :)


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To the Discord?

You finally went for this? ;D

What? Discord? No. Me? You crazy?

Had to check... things are upside down.

I can't go there and get all mixed up in the drama behind the scenes. So many people here now aren't even posting because they know nobody is around to look. All this media coverage and we can't even show the outsiders what we really do here when the shit isn't hitting the fan.

You are right. I am going to post something normal... Since I am not part of any negotiation :)

Must be nice! I did my one post for the day.

Terrible internet connection again today as well. Signal has to travel 35000 km and back. Frickin annoying.


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One thing we need to keep in mind as users, Hard Forks are not easy things to do. I don't know about the ability of Tron's tech team, I do understand that steem block chain is somewhat different than others, and that there has not been that many successful deployments of Hard Forks lately due to the complexities of the system.

We are approaching a point where a pro-active Hard Fork may be needed, before Tron can hard fork steem block chain into oblivion and be unable to recover the chain. This is something the Monetary investors are going to need to take a hard look at. What happens to tokens when the chain is no longer there?

I hope that for the next event there is a Plan B, even if it from outer space or a just a pie in the eye dream, the witnesses and investors need to be prepared for the worst possible outcome, a frozen locked block chain with no value.

The last couple of Hard Forks, took months to test. The soft fork was by all accounts just a very simple thing to change. The power down cycle is not going to be so easy to change, it effects many different and various parts of the code. From pay-out time frame, to witness voting time frame, to other things I have no idea of. via their steemitblog has pretty much stated the next hard Fork was going to be the SMT Hard Fork, and that a shortened power down period would not be considered. This is what the users have wanted for two years, (SMT's), there was quite a bit of chatter and post about the shorter power down issue, and from what I could see the majority of the users were not in favor of it.

What happens to tokens when the chain is no longer there?

The chain is there, as there are hundreds of copies of it.

Not sure what happens with the future hardforks and their organization, but I guess for now, it is baby steps to try not to fuck it all up. via their steemitblog has pretty much stated the next hard Fork was going to be the SMT Hard Fork, and that a shortened power down period would not be considered.

None of this is relevant now, "under new management"

I am hoping hat this will be a turning point for the betterment of Steem, but it might be a forking point to a new line of chains also.

None of this is relevant now, "under new management"

That is the big problem it seems. Some parts, property, and promises made by a business carry over to the new company owners. If a bank is bought by another bank, and that bank holds a mortgage on your property the contractual requirements for that mortgage do not change.

The big sticking point seems to be contractual in regards to the ninja-mined stake.

Off topic, If they record this MSP waves Town hall meeting it is pretty interesting. Sounds like people are beginning to think and make plans.

Problem is, social contracts aren't very firm.

Yeah, the old style hand shake contract doesn't hold much weight any more.


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What if the nedsters whole purpose in this project was to get us to break free from controlling interests and fly off on our own...?

He primed us by making us mistrustful of any centralized authority, prepared us by inspiring the setup for the soft fork that may have saved the platform from being taken over by mr. golden sun, and then threw us into this scenario sink or swim style.

If we climb out the other side of this pool it may very well be as a much decentralized, community led, and much stronger/resilient platform.

That would be sweet. Good old Ned ;)

Best conspiracy theory I've read so far XD[look up movie]...Watchmen XD

I am with you on this. He has no business acumen for someone who is meant to be a figurehead for crypto. He is clueless and dangerous and clearly is delusional. Spoiled brat who hasn't grown up comes to mind and someone who needed to learn some manners as he has none.

It is hyper erratic and I am unsure if he ever had business sense, or just some dumb luck.


I am thinking exactly the same way. Possibly if you have loads of money it is hard to mess things up in the crypto world as everyone believes everything you say.

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Bro do you even community?

I thought for sure #iwantto**** ******* *** was gonna be trending.

Dudes brilliant, I love it lol

I guess he don't GAF

It’s just odd to me cause he really could have pumped and just gotta take community along for ride.

Why something about this just feels slightly off to me.

The few interactions of his were garbled talking points spread with power trip.

Yes, the whole thing is very strange and the behavior ridiculous. Maybe it is the Haej writing the posts.


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Is it greed? A love of drama? A cry for attention?

Perhaps it is affection.

Well, you nailed it. I guess you didn't read my article from three days ago where I've already gave some 'hints' that it's indeed AFFECTION the crux of the issue here. ;)

But if you want to abound on this matter, just click on this link next and click again at the end of the post where I've written the word LOGIC to know a bit more the answer to your question.

Congratulations @tarazkp!
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