Showcase Sunday: The emotionally stunted oppressor

in OCD4 years ago

I have an acquaintance who had trouble conceiving and it took a few years for them to have a child. Now, if anyone makes a joke faking pregnancy, she launches into a rant on Facebook about how insensitive it is to those who have trouble or can't conceive at all.

The other day there was a conversation about someone who got injured and a joke was made about the wording used and the topic, and again there was an argument about how it is wrong to make fun of people's problems.

I understand their emotions but, I disagree strongly with their positions. What is wrong is to force people to behave in order to protect one's own lack of emotional control. What is wrong is to suppress people's opinions and humor because it is not in line with one's own views. What is wrong is to assume that those who make jokes about such things do not understand such things.

Everyone wants to stand up and fight for the rights and condemn those who repress free speech, until their own feelings get hurt. They are an advocate for freedom, but when it comes to emotions, they want to be protected, they want everyone to bow down to the authority that is their own ego.

The world is a mess if people haven't noticed and a large part of that mess is caused, by every person wanting to be emotionally protected no matter their position, no matter their behavior. This has lead to a situation where most people do not have the self-awareness and personal tools to deal with their own reactions to events.

So, instead of taking the time to look at themselves, untangle their emotional web, heal their wounds so they no longer have power over them; they censor others. They may even band together and form vigilante organisations to force submission, special interest groups to enact social change in order to protect their emotional weaknesses.

All so they don't actually have to face and come to terms with their own experiences. They want support for themselves though, they want pats on the back, their ego stroked. They want to build themselves up on the bodies of those who dare to speak, draw or write about anything they have deemed inappropriate, which is anything that hurts their feelings or makes them feel uncomfortable.

Censorship of the worst kind, that of people who do not understand the diversity of human experience and instead enforce their will onto others using their narrow view of life. They say their intentions are to protect the weak, but they are unwilling to admit that the weak is them.

The weak rarely need protecting, they need the chance to heal and to grow and this is not by avoiding their injuries as if they do not exist, it is by treating them at those points and giving the space to recover. That space is not an emotional 'safe space' where ignorance can reign, it is a space of self-discovery, creativity and curiosity.

This continual encouragement to avoid emotional conflict is creating an environment where people no longer have the emotional capabilities to handle even the smallest of reactions that arise from within them. There is no wonder the world is a mess. They are emotionally and intellectually stunted, they have grown in an environment without the pressure to strengthen, the gravity to pull them to earth.

But, they feel free to roam the internet with their diatribe and expect they are protected there too. Their coddled and siloed experiences of a false reality have not prepared them for the real world and when they start to falter, they claim unfairness and bigotry against this group or another and demand an authority repress those who speak. So much for free speech.

It seems that free speech is only free for those in favor at the moment - and that can change at anytime. Something these types of people fail to recognize. They seem to think that it will always be their group that is in the right and protected by all manners of laws and regulations. If the authority they rely on changes its flag, they are in trouble.

Resilience is a beautiful thing and if one can't remain resilient against words, how do they expect to face the real issues that pressure our world? How to ease the suffering of all of those millions, billions in some cases, when the only position that is important is the emotion security of their own ego?

They do not want to see this reflected in their mirror though, so they choose not to look. They try to turn the mirror on those who would see humor in disaster and pain, who will laugh and joke about difficulties but, it will rarely work.

Most of those willing to joke about life's challenges, have already experienced the trials, been in hardship, suffered enough that they have looked deep into a mirror already, faced their demons and healed. This is why they can smile, this is why they are emotionally free.

It is not they who are insensitive, it is those who look to oppress them.

[ Gen1: Hive ]



Censorship is evil. The biggest issue here however is that people tend to make more jokes build on somebody's misfortune. But... for some strange reason, the funniest jokes are about somebody's misfortune.

It is mush funnier to see somebody falling instead of getting up. Strange psychological phenomenon worthy of extensive psychological study. I am sure there was some conducted too :)

Another strange phenomenon. If you are the first one to laugh at your misfortune, suddenly it is not funny to anybody else to make fun of it lol

So i guess the best practice would be to take your misfortunes with a grain of humor :)

the funniest jokes are about somebody's misfortune.

@mattclarke added a quote by Mel Brooks the other day on a post, "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."

Another strange phenomenon. If you are the first one to laugh at your misfortune, suddenly it is not funny to anybody else to make fun of it lol

There is no fun unless someone gets hurt - and if you can absorb the pain upfront, it dilutes the fun for others.

So i guess the best practice would be to take your misfortunes with a grain of humor :)


Censorship of the worst kind, that of people who do not understand the diversity of human experience and instead enforce their will onto others using their narrow view of life.

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Any imposition of one’s will is no different from physical violence. Perhaps even worse. I had to study for a long time to cope with the authoritative opinions of others. Now, any opinion is simple - sound :)

Any imposition of one’s will is no different from physical violence. Perhaps even worse.

It becomes like training fleas, limiting to the very nature of a human.

I always liked that photo...That dog's out of control! Lol


It reminds me of his younger days. He was chasing snowballs that day :D

Like Stephen Kings Cujo...Although I don't think Cujo chased snowballs.

One of the movies I have never seen. I remember the cover of the VHS tape though

I've not seen it either. we had a big bad Rottweiler remember Benson? I didn't need any thoughts of an out-of-control killer dog in my head. Lol.

There is a saying in my culture stating that making fun of advertises and problems, can be the first approach towards solving the problem. I would blame social media and the excess of usage for such apps that have created so many consumer protection terms and conditions, and when you ponder these for a bit they're not really protecting that much because we don't make fun of others constantly but, the subconsciously programmed people to not even think of that anymore. This topic reminds me of an old movie called Equilibrium where the humanity was being portrayed as not being allowed to have any emotions at all. Making too much fun of people like I used to, many years ago, doesn't feel right either, but excessive walls against humor and opinions are changing a lot our collective mentality.

the subconsciously programmed people to not even think of that anymore.

It is one of the things that I think is being driven - homogenization of thought.

In short own your own shit:) Be safe dude

own your own shit


You take care too mate.

There's nothing wrong with a few jokes about a horrible situation. That's probably why Dave Chappelle is my favourite comedian. He's delightfully offensive.

That's probably why Dave Chappelle is my favourite comedian.

He is definitely someone who can joke about the horrible well, Ricky Gervais is another of my favorites.

Haven't heard about Ricky, I'll look out for some of his work on YT


I am considered an asshole often enough - but, I there are many assholes I talk to as well ;D

There is a saying: tragedy + time = comedy)

And the time between the two might be very short for some people :)
