
Yes 3 weeks of a tablet that targets blood clots. No danger now luckily as already on the 3rd week. I read the blood specialists report and he said poor covid outcome so he thinks it is related. Waiting now as don't rally want to have the second vaccine and will get his advice first. I reckon I will be on these tablets for 6 months like last time which is more of a relief that anything else. Just need to know the cause as it is always concerning if there is something I am not doing right.

My wife had her first shot two weeks ago and is still having side effects that raise some very concerning questions in me....

Yes be careful and find out what caused your health blip. Hope she gets better real soon as this is not funny and is a worry. I think I am due in 3 weeks again and I wont be going back for seconds unless I have the blessing of the specialist.