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RE: High fives

in OCD3 years ago

Great snaps, thanks!

I will send the originals to you - just didn't want to wake you up if your phone beeped :)

She loved it and it fit really well - She'll likely wear it next weekend for her kids party.

Torn muscle only, thankfully. I am very limpy though.


She loved it and it fit really well - She'll likely wear it next weekend for her kids party.

Yay! So glad she loved it. Those photos are great, thanks for sending. A shame I wasn't there, but I was in spirit. #spiritG-dog

Torn muscle only, thankfully. I am very limpy though.

Chicks dig scars, pain heals and glory lasts forever.

She wore one of the shirts to daycare today :)

Yay. She's a good girl.