Creative Generocide - the road to low value content

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

When it comes to what is good or valuable content, we all have our opinions and preferences, but it is interesting to think about it in terms of what is "worth it" on Hive, as this is a place where content is consistently rewarded at a far greater percentage than other platforms and, it is individuals with the community for the most part doing the rewarding.

As said, I have my own opinions and preferences based on what I like to consume, but I also think there are some basic guidelines that we can consider. For example, I don't think anyone believes that plagiarism for reward is okay, yet nothing stops people posting other's work if they choose. This means it is up to the community to do something about it, which when found, is normally met with downvotes. However, it is good to remember that while some think there are downvote rules, they are generally best practice at best and it is good to understand that people can use them as they choose.


However, while plagiarism is a pretty clear line, I think "spinning" content is far, far more common. Spinning is where people take the work of others and reword it into something similar, but different. It is the act of the non-creative in a deliberate attempt to deceive the audience into believing the work is an original piece. This is pretty underhanded in my opinion and takes essentially, zero skill.

I see this kind of thing a fair bit and suspect it happens more, because often the topics that are spoken about are clearly not in the author's wheelhouse or, they are written in ways that the author is unable to replicate in other areas, for example in comments. It is generally a pretty clear sign of spinning (or plagiarism) when the language grammar and vocabulary used in the post, is clearly different from that used in the comments section, where it isn't generally possible to spin a response.

But, this aside, there are other aspects to consider as to what is valuable or not and I know that there can be many arguments over this. For example, most people believe that "Hive content" isn't valuable because it is inward facing, but I consider it (not only because I write some of it), some of the most valuable content on the platform and indeed, on the internet. A big call?

Not at all. It isn't easy to be in crypto at the best of times, nor on Hive for many, because people have real value in play here - skin in the game. What this means is that people are highly interested in their investment now and to come, making Hive content incredibly interesting to them for various reasons. Yeah, much of it is not great content as content itself, but there are a few people here who write in ways and on topics that heavily influence people's understanding of the Hive ecosystem, the potentials in the future and build the connection and attention required to make informed decisions. Things like, "will I buy more HIVE and power up?"

But, there is more to this also, because while Hive content is indeed mostly inward facing, it is also exclusive to Hive itself and pretty much can't be found anywhere else on the internet. Just remember, we are all in crypto and that should mean, all of us have a pretty bloody good understanding of the value of scarcity and market differentiation - yet, it doesn't seem to be that way.

Going back to that spun content paragraph earlier, one of the problems with spinning is that the content can be found pretty much anywhere on the internet and not only that, it is often found with higher quality. The reason is that because the people that spin are non-creative and also non-professionals, they actually have very little they can add to the originals that enhance or differentiate it. This is also affected by the skill on hand too, where people aren't necessarily skilled at even spinning the article, as they might not understand what they were even reading, meaning that their own version can be heavily flawed and sentences can actually be quite nonsensical.

Today for example, I took the title of a piece that I suspect was spun and plugged it into Google to see what results I got. While there was nothing precisely the same, there were dozens of articles that were similar in content and form, yet were obviously written by people who had more experience in either the topic, or spinning topics from originals. They aren't on Hive, so why is this an issue in regards to Hive value?

Well, let's say that someone did happen to search for the topic and read a couple of them, one being on Hive. What impression do you think they will have? But, as unlikely as it is for this to happen, where is the value of the content for people already on Hive, considering they can already get it in better quality form and resolution from literally hundreds of other sites.

Now, I love writing and think everyone should do far more of it than they do, but for Hive value, this isn't Instagram or Twitter, Medium or the New York Times - it is Hive. What makes it unique is...


However, because some people are taking what they find on the internet and spinning it into some kind of pseudo-content, it contains nothing unique about who we are, nothing to separate us, no market differentiation. It is ubiquitous, common.

A lot of people seem to think that the best way to "beat the competition" is to do exactly what they are doing, only at a lower standard, but I don't think that is the way for Hive to thrive. This platform and ecosystem is about empowering the person to become an owner and investor and that goes beyond just the tokens - it is the content itself and all the activity we perform here as a collective of individuals. It really is up to us.

However, people seem hellbent on not only spinning content they find, but creating shared templates so all the content takes on the same look and feel, no matter who writes it and then, going to "Hive School" using random guides on how to be successful on Hive, from random people who may not have much of an idea about what they are talking. In fact, a lot of the guides that people write, are spun content too and a lot of the others, have been written a thousand times in the past over the years. It is not that it is all valueless, but if you are a content creator, you should have a think and ask some questions of yourself.

If I copy the work of others, will my content be valued? If I use the same look and feel as others, will my content be unique? If I do not add original into my content, will I stand out from the rest? If I am a replicator of ideas, content and process, am I a content creator at all?

As I see it and in my opinion, where most people fail in their content creation isn't in the delivery, but in the content itself, as most of it has been seen a thousands times before and dates back for years. No new ideas, no personal flavor, no additional experience added - it is just bland, common - *Generic.

I would far rather read about someone's day at work or talking to their cat, than get self-help advice with the same titles, bullet points and spun paragraphs as all the other content at the bottom of webpages and used as filler on news sites, from people who have never lived it. Getting management advice from the never-employed, SEO advice from people who are spinning their Google searches, writing guides on formatting posts using guides from other sites as their guides. Then writing posts that all look the same, feel the same and are outright soulless.

It is generocide.

The road to low-value content, is paved with genericization.

But that is my opinion.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


The reason is that because the people that spin are non-creative and also non-professionals, they actually have very little they can add to the originals that enhance or differentiate it.

All one really needs to see and understand what you are talking about is to look at all the news stations that parrot each other word for word reading from and API or the other news-feed peoples scripts. Look through the headlines same stories from different news organizations. Some of the video's people have put together of all the talking heads on all the different news channels can be pretty funny, but it is also sad. Local news stations used to do their own research into stories, not they just read or print what they are told to.

The internet has gotten pretty boring, meanwhile maybe not the greatest content in the world, reading about someones cat antics or their weekend, or even their orchids provide much more original content than 90% of the internet.

Look through the headlines same stories from different news organizations.

Repetition, repetition, repetition - it is the best way to condition minds.

People's lives on Hive are far more interesting than the news at the moment. Every time I do see or hear about something from the news - it just puts me one step closer to taking myself out of circulation completely. It is depressing at what is going on in people's minds :)

It really is, at least on Hive most of the personal stories are not so bad, some a slight bit depressing, but for the most part pretty upbeat on Hive, unlike youtube and all the petty drama squabbles.

I enjoy hearing about people's real lives, rather than the Instashite that gets pushed all over the place.

I never heard the term "spinning" and I have to say that I disagree with you.
Maybe the people that you read when you google some title (as you said), they probably have way more experience in that particular topic you are looking for.

For example, I wrote an article on Artificial Intelligence here on HIVE, but let's say I am still learning AI but I want to introduce the basics to people, specifically here on HIVE where at lease it will have some viewer if I post it on a community (some say that when you are learning, you have to teach it to other people in order to say you understand that topic at all), but there's a catch, I don't have years of experience programming AI, it is logical that my post will be lacking "something", making my post, as you say, low quality content.

On the other hand, at first, I thought that "spinning" was applied to curators that gather a couple of posts and put it on a already made template with a generic text and get more rewards that the curated posts itself. It makes me laugh but it's real.

You have completely missed the point it seems.

The content you provide is you providing it, right? Or are you just essentially cutting and pasting the content of another, changing a few words here and there and calling it your own? If it is yours - good. If it is the latter, it is spinning. When people don't make any effort to put themselves into the article, their thoughts and experiences, posit ideas and talk about how they feel - it is probably that they don't know much about what they are talking about, nor will they.

I haven't heard of any curators with any significant stake doing anything like you describe, but crap like that probably happens too. People will do anything for a little money it seems.

In the example, yes, but let's say it was based on some tutorial, the post will be practically the same as the content is the same for the "basics" of AI but with other words.

And yeah just search for "top curated posts of the week" or something like that (I see it written in english and also in spanish).

I think if you are clueless you will look for stories to spin and don't know what free writing is really. I may see a topic that interests me and read some articles but will always put a personal angle on something where I have outside knowledge. many don't see to have personal experiences and why they spin articles as they are out of their depth and why it is probably so common. Lately every post has been a free write as that is how I relax as there is no real thought as it just flows.

How are you feeling these days as that was some scary stuff.

there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration - not everything has to be absolutely unique - but so much of what people write is so inanely common, that it is like they took their cue from the first three Google hits. The one I checked today had dozens of articles similar, most dating back several years. It is content recycling at its worst.

Lately every post has been a free write as that is how I relax as there is no real thought as it just flows.

It is cathartic, isn't it? :)

How are you feeling these days as that was some scary stuff.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a Neuropsychologist and I hope they are able to identify and give some exercises to help. I am still struggling with many things.

I see it every day and just switch off form those articles as there has been nothing new added to raise it to another level.
You need to look after yourself and hope they can fix the problem that caused this in the first place which is obviously important. After your bad episode I had a check up and found some blood clots which are now being sorted. I have a scan either this week or next week as waiting on the hospital now. I suppose we have to all pay more attention to our bodies and if there are any warning signs. Just get better as that is what counts now.

Yeah, I don't really read the news either :)

Damn. I hope yo are able to get them cleared so you don't have to go through this crap. are you on blood thinners?

Yes 3 weeks of a tablet that targets blood clots. No danger now luckily as already on the 3rd week. I read the blood specialists report and he said poor covid outcome so he thinks it is related. Waiting now as don't rally want to have the second vaccine and will get his advice first. I reckon I will be on these tablets for 6 months like last time which is more of a relief that anything else. Just need to know the cause as it is always concerning if there is something I am not doing right.

My wife had her first shot two weeks ago and is still having side effects that raise some very concerning questions in me....

Yes be careful and find out what caused your health blip. Hope she gets better real soon as this is not funny and is a worry. I think I am due in 3 weeks again and I wont be going back for seconds unless I have the blessing of the specialist.

I get your point about Hive inward-looking content. But I do fear that it may end up like a library where the most cherished books are the ones about the library. I suppose it is us as curators to steer the content in the direction we would like it to take.

Yes, it is up to us. Also, I used that just as an example and I think that Trending these days is relatively diverse - far more than it was. Also, I think that communities and the various interfaces give different views too, which means that we aren't reliant on single-token curation to bump posts. What is on Hive trending, isn't necessarily on Leo trending, and what is there, isn't on POB trending etc.

That is very true. I spend most of my time in the Art communities so rarely see the trending page. It really used to depress me back in the day.

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

I am likely very guilty of this concept, largely because I see nothing wrong from my own understanding.

For instance, the inspiration for some of my articles come from reading other peoples content here on Hive. I have never seen anything wrong with it as long as I try to present it in my own understanding. Maybe am wrong, and I get the entire concept of a lack of originality or authenticity, but I wonder about the root source of our collective inspiration, and if it isn't inspired by someone else.

Haven't disagreed with you on in a long while but I do on this, except am not understanding your point clearly. I'll be monitoring the comment section though and I hope a lot more people give their take on this

There is nothing wrong with taking inspiration and writing your point of view on it - that is the discussion of life we have, even if it is between our ears at times.

What I am talking about more is the "10 ways to be a better manager" kinds of trash posts that people repeat, as well as the rewriting of news from other sites.

I came across a spin post the other week - " Interesting facts about xxxx country" When I googled the title, turns out the list was an extract from an article that included something like 15 interesting facts from the same country, and of course the author had spun the content. Sadly Hivewatcher didn't seem to think it was a spun article and I forgot to downvote it.

One point I will and hate to disagree with you

This is pretty underhanded in my opinion and takes essentially, zero skill.

Respinning does take a bit of skill to re-write so it can avoid being picked up. It's just so sad these people don't put their skills in a better way and create original content.

Pretty much all of the "# things" posts are spun. :)

Respinning does take a bit of skill to re-write so it can avoid being picked up.

Funnily though, I have heard there are apps that will spin and change the words with synonyms automatically...

shhhh.... don't tell them

Hive provide opportunity to all the categories of writing whether it low quality or high quality but the conditionally should not be cut,copy,paste . i have seen many post on hive which only clicked photo but never detail anything ,become trending post.even Dbuzz micro blogging allow low quality contents officialy by mentioning that your post could not be earned more than 1 HBD .
Hive watcher play tremendous role to control plagiarism to make the hive platform more clean and worth visiting. I don't think we should bother about what is right or wrong but just focus on self contents which automatically turn the ecosystem more valuable and more visible in google search keywords.

Everyone has opportunity here and I have seen some people develop their content to become very good creators from almost nothing. It is encouraging to see when there are a few people who go out of their way to build their personal skills.

Spinning hmm 🤔, I’m just hearing that but if someone wants to write an article, reads up on it from different sources and writes in his own words and all that, is that still spinning ? Take for example writing on medical topics as a Doctor, there isn’t so much room for originality as you read somewhat the same thing other doctors read/know but which the general public might not be aware of.

but if someone wants to write an article, reads up on it from different sources and writes in his own words and all that, is that still spinning ?

Not necessarily, but if nothing new is added to it, what is different from the original article?

hmm This makes sense

There are few articles I appreciate on here, those written with "personal" touch. I feel you narrating something how it affects you or how you've experienced it, and not just bringing out different content for the sake of posting

Some people see content as access to the HIVE tap, but don't care what they use to open it.

Ahh the fun that happens when people think that blogging is an "easy" way to make money.

this problem pre-dates hive by a long way and used to really piss me off when I was looking for things and just ended up at these less than worthless sites which had pretty much a copy/paste of the "solutions" that didn't work with maybe a slight variation on the title, these days I can usually recognise from the search page and just get exasperated if I don't til I get there

As for opinions, mine of news stations/sources is pretty low XD

So "easy"!

I see the same stuff on all the platforms - low-bar creators flooding feeds with their useless crap, who think they are "grinding"...

I am agree with you that sharing quality content one can earn more here one hive than any other platform. Before joining i visited many platform like hive. But i think hive is the best.

What kinds of content do you create?

I think that creating quality content on HIVE will take some time for authors. For this, author should be encouraged. I know some people quitted writing due to not getting in return for their efforts. I don't mean that low-quality posts should be supported, but there are quality posts which are undervalued.

Plagiarism lovers should go to Steemit. Few months ago, I saw a full copy-paste post and it got upvoted about $100.

THe people who don't have writing skill and life experience struggle - those who have writing skill and no life experience struggle - those who have no writing skill but interesting lives do okay :)

I understand why people feel the need to spin though because most topics are already written on especially when you have a particular niche but then again a lot of things could still be written on and as writers, we need to find a view on even the same topics without stealing ideas from others.

Nope - not an excuse. There is no topic in the world that has been written on with my personal opinion specifically - until I write it.

That is true.
One reason I try to write based on my experience so I don't steal ideas

I think I get the message behind your post.
It's okay to find inspiration or even do research on certain topics that appeal to you, but putting a personal touch or spin to it and making it yours is more valuable than merely changing a few words and passing it off as ones. Duly noted..

inspirations is good - verbatim sucks ass. I would like to see more people actually speak from their personal experience, rather than googling for content ideas.

I love the way you think. The way you analyze things.

I am not such a good content creator but I try.

Reading this post makes me feel the urge to produce better content.

I read this post and all I could say is that we have to make ourselves distinct from the rest.

While creating content, we have to put in the extra while creating. Something that is unique and needed.

Thank you for bringing a post like this. There is some self realization this post nrings .

Good content comes in many forms I think but for me there is always a common denominator on Hive - it has to be personal, it has to sound the author's voice, not be a high school book report.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

That too. Have you come across that?

will have a look. :)

You can ask me directly, if you are interested in what the jelly -man is doing with his personal blacklist, his self-proclaimed-downvote-crusade and his insultings due to to nothing. Best regards.

Is he doing anything interesting?

That depends on how someone defines "interesting".
In terms of positive actions there seems to be nothing interesting for me.
But in terms of negative actions, ridiculous accusations, insultings,
misrepresentations, personal blacklists and conspiracy theories about some of the german
speaking accounts, which are the "most toxic community" in his point of view, he does quite "interesting" things.
Hive on and best regards.