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RE: A Key Demographics and Joe Rogan

in OCD5 months ago (edited)

Here is an interesting perspective on a related topic, and from personal lived experience.

it's about the value of labour, but in a more general sense of the earning capacity relative to the "cost of living over time"

Regardless of your demographic, you still have a limited time each week to work and earn, you can move up the scale of "earning potential" and earn more for your time, but in a very real sense the "value" of your earning is manifest in your social class/lifestyle and the family you support

Here goes...make of this what you will.....

My grandfather left school at 14, grandmother the same. He worked at sea, started as a cabin boy and ended his career as Chief Steward ( a management position), my grandmother never worked. They supported and raised 5 children and were in the "own your house/car" demographic, so not poor, not rich

My father left school at 16, my mother the same.He went into the textile industry, worked up to Management, my mother started to work when we were past early childhood ( she ended her career as a nurse when they married), I was a teenager and my youngest sister 8 or 9 at the time. They had 3 children and occupied the same "class" as their parents, with the same lifestyle.

I am educated to post graduate lvl, my wife to degree level, I have worked for myself in my early career , now I am in middle management and work internationally. We both work and my wife started working when our youngest started school, but we needed au pares to held with the kids. We have two children and are in the same social class again.

Note the drift upwards in education standard, the need for more incomes to support the same lifestyle and the decreasing number of dependants that can be supported.

I think its a similar story from a different angle.

Thanks for the food for thought

P.S. I'm about 30min into the JR podcast, I catch JR in instalments when walking the dog, think the dog may get a longer walk this morning. Trump sure is a "case study" imo


It's the same personal story. What your family did to maintain the same standard of living is got educated more and more through the three generations. That is the right way to climb and maintain the social ladder.