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RE: Perseid meteor shower and night sky

in OCD5 years ago

I did think about these showers on the 12th! But the clouds prevented me from sitting out all night to catch one and wish upon it for a lucky spell.

Your photo is absolutely spectacular! Not a sky I'd ever get to see from my geolocation, but it sure does help to create a new inter-location where eyes pierce the darkness to look out for signs of majestic long-gone reality. That is to say, the meteorite is pretty here and now real, unlike most of the other stellar light, I suppose.

I believe a meteor shower is very cleansing. It may ruffle a few feathers here and there but that is also a great way to get rid or irritating parasites.

Could you explain for me why it is so light in the picture which doesn't seem to hide an alien or ravenous wolf? What was the shutter speed/aperature? Tripod work, I presume, for sure?

Very breathtaking how many many stars, how very large your heavens are out there....I enjoy the silence roaring through this sphere of living consciousness.


Here we don't have many cloudy days, so less rain, but more sky...

Ah! I forgot to wish for a lucky spell. Lol.

Thanks! Yeah meteors are so close, so we see them as it happens (still there's a tiny fraction of a second delay) but for the stars, I guess the closest one that we could easily see is about 25ly away. Though Jupiter, mars, Venus and Saturn are also visible sometimes.

The moon was up, yeah, I had a tripod and a fast lens, f/1.8, and I guess I used 30a exposure with iso-3200. I can't remember, I'll check it.

Yeah, it was a great experience.