Animal Photography : Friendly Domestic Pet

in OCD5 years ago

Dear hiver,

The Cat is the pet that mostly owned by everyone, this animal is independent pet which is able to find for food or even able to feed, but every region has different species of cat, but in the majority there are similar species of cat such as the cat that I capture in this post. I was amazed to see the cat, but the most color of cat that I always love to see is the cat with three different colors, In my area the species of cat with three different colors, in my area the species of cat with three different colors always found similarly like the cat in this photo below, most color domination is white whit black and brown strip or big dot on its body.

Kucing merupakan hewan peliharaan yang paling banyak dimiliki oleh setiap orang, hewan ini merupakan hewan peliharaan mandiri yang mampu mencari makan bahkan mampu memberi makan, namun disetiap daerah memiliki spesies kucing yang berbeda-beda, namun pada umumnya terdapat spesies kucing yang mirip seperti kucing yang saya tangkap di posting ini.

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-10 at 06.59.27.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-10 at 06.59.28 (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-10 at 06.59.28 (2).jpeg

I was amazed to see the cat, but the most color of cat that I always love to see is the cat with three different colors, In my area the species of cat with three different colors, in my area the species of cat with three different colors always found similarly like the cat in this photo below, most color domination is white whit black and brown strip or big dot on its body.

Saya terkesima melihat kucing itu, tetapi warna kucing paling banyak yang selalu saya suka lihat adalah kucing dengan tiga warna berbeda, Di daerah saya spesies kucing dengan tiga warna berbeda, di daerah saya spesies kucing dengan tiga warna berbeda. Warna selalu ditemukan mirip dengan kucing pada foto di bawah ini, dominasi warna yang paling banyak adalah putih dengan strip hitam dan coklat atau titik besar di tubuhnya.

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-10 at 06.59.28 (3).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-10 at 06.59.28.jpeg

CameraXiaomi note 2
CategoryCat Photography