Being an Introvert

in OCDlast year

I might really be an intovert 😪, I'm just like that. And I'm sure extroverts wonder how we do it by staying all alone indoors everyday and everytime. And also why we get uncomfortable around other people.


I don't really know about other introverts, but I wasn't really always like this. But I guess staying away from crowd or just locking yourself up sometimes can really change you. And the things that keep me in all day are normal things people do.

Watching movies, Anime, playing games and oh music. With those I can stay all day at home alone. But I'll need food too, that's the most important 😁. Also about introverts, I can't really talk about others but with the little I've observed from myself. We have some similarities and differences from extroverts and ambiverts, some of these differences are well known. And the others, not so much.

As an introvert, some of us have just few or no friends at all. I don't have any friend at all, most of them are just what I call online friends coz they're basically just online. We can't meet or stuff like that.


Also, we don't laugh with others or even talk to them much. Just people close to us have seen us laugh and know we talk a lot. Yeah, even I talk so much that my mom do ask me to stop talking, lol. But not much people know that.

Being an intovert really isn't good coz the moment you try to talk to others or try to move with others, you just get that uncomfortable feeling. I don't know why, but it comes naturally and without warning. At a point, I used to hate staying with others or stuff like that. But I'm a little bit comfortable with being in a contained space with 7 people. If I was like before, I would have almost gotten sick by that.

Someone asked me 'Don't you feel bad when you dont have friends or when you cut off ties with friends? Actually, I don't mind losing friends. Fake friends will let me easily cut ties with them, but you see those other guys called real friends, they stay forever. And I hope to really get friends one day 😊😊.

Still, nothing's making me change from being an introvert.

Any introvert here?
Tell me how you feel also in the comments 😁


i'm also an introvert and truly i don't like large gathering. I JUST LOVE being alone and with my friends