“I will just take two weeks off hive to get myself settled and return afterward”.
These were my exact words on the 20th of October 2022, while I was trying to complete my last article on Fetal Position
Just when I thought I had moved on and to some extent got “settled” on hive, I got a message from Courserep that the strike has been called off. On the 17th of October 2022, the strike which lasted from February to October was called off. It was more like a shock to me. I already gave up on following updates on the strike 4months after the strike commenced. The news of the strike being called off came with a lot of mixed feelings. One part of me wanted to be done with nursing school while the other just wanted to breathe in the fresh air in a country where nobody knows me or let’s say I just wanted to disappear.
After struggling and murmuring, I packed back to school on the 28th of October, which was about 1 week after school resumption as school was slated to resume on the 20th of October 2022. lol. “We have a test on the 30th of October 2022” was the motivating factor for my packing back to school.
The 29th of October 2022 was a marathon reading night for me, reading what I abandoned since February 2022 was like learning a new language in 1 hour. With my head fixed on getting a good grade, my mind filled with mixed feelings and my brain not caring; we wrote the test. You know, the point where you write because you have to.
Fast forward to the series of tests that came afterward till when school was set to close for Christmas and the second-semester exam date was set on January 14th 2023. At this point, my 2 weeks break off hive had turned 2 months. I spent most of my Christmas break making notes for exams.
I’m a very slow reader. I have to make notes on a particular course because I can only read notes made by me during the exam period.
The second-semester exam lasted up to a month and to think this exam could have been completed just within 8 days. I mean we offer just 8 courses but as usual, I (we) easily influenced our timetable so it is well spaced out.
Before you overthink, these 8 courses can be equivalent to 20 courses. lol, 3 of these courses are about 4 units. That means 4 lecturers, 4 lectures note, 4 presentations for the 4 lecturers, and 4 different sections of the exam.
Now you understand why I was particular in influencing this timetable. During the exam, I broke down with pneumonia. My expression when the doctor gave me the diagnosis of pneumonia was “how?”. I don’t even know why I reacted that way but yeah. I felt I was too careful and particular about my health to come down with pneumonia. So, it was a lot for me. I believe it was due to the accumulation of inhaled dust from harmattan and all.
I finally finished my exam on the 5th of February and I’m back to my writing.
takes a deep breath Just thinking of how long the year is going to be for me. I’m still trying to learn how to cope with final-year stress, writing, and meeting up with other responsibilities and duties. I plan to come all out this year; I mean participate actively in FYCA (Final Year Class Activities), NUNSA (Nigerian University Nursing Student Association), FECAMDS (Federation of Catholic Medical and Dental Students), MWAN (Medical Women Association of Nigeria), SCHAF (Sickle Cell Awareness and Health Foundation).
Anything to improve and become a better person.
So yeah, this is a summary of my 8 months of striving and 4 months of surviving. It has been a long 12 months, generally. Coupled with the economic state of Nigeria at the moment. Just out of Curiosity, What is the exchange rate of Naira in your area?.
It’s crazy out here. Hopefully, things get better.
Hello Hivers, your baby girl is back to this space!.🥳
PS: All pictures were gotten from my iPhone XR photo gallery.
Welucom back!😉
It’s been awhile😍Thank you @cyprianj
Welcome back to Hive and congrats on surviving the exams. I hope you'll be active on Hive again and hope to see you posting in different niche communities :)
Yes I survived. lol. Recently I've learned that living is surviving. Thank you @erikah. I'm back! and yes, watch this space. Though I'm having difficulties accessing the site. It's terrible. Network is a mess. Are you experiencing same?
Nope, all is well on my end. Must be your internet connection, I suppose.
Yeah, has to be from my internet connection. Nothing is really working in the country where I’m. It’s crazy.