The Tobacco Trap

in OCD7 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone!
I hope you are doing well. I am also in good health. I had a lot of energy when I started my day. I got up early in the morning and prepared my breakfast.

"A Girl in my room"

Since it rained a lot last night, today was really fresh. Soon after having my breakfast, I wanted to create some art and starting arranging my table.

While I was busy in my work a girl from my hostel came in my room and asked for a lighter. Just as I was going to give her the matchbox, I noticed that she was holding a cigar. She was too young to be involved in such things, therefore I was shocked. Out of curiosity, I asked her about her smoking habit. She started to hesitate whether if I would tell the warden about her.

"Exploring the Mysterious Matter"

I asked her not to hesitate. I asked her if I may visit her room. She consented, but only on the caveat that it remain a secret between us. I nodded. I locked my room and started following her. She moved gently, as though she was trying to hide. There was a strong smoke smell as soon as we stepped inside the room. There was packs of cigarette on her bed.

I looked at her and asked about her age. 19, she replied. That was a very hard moment for me. I was sad and angry at the same time. When I questioned her about when she first started smoking, she informed me that she had been stuck for last 2 years. After a long silence, I questioned her about why she had started smoking.

"Beyond Ashes: A Tray Full Of Stories"

The ash tray was piled high with ash, revealing the addict's miserable state of life.

She asked me to sit while she kept standing. She told me that her father died when she was only 9. Her mother raised her up all alone. She had 4 sisters. The elder one got married but her husband divorced her. Her mother was a housewife. She attempted to obtain work after passing high school exams. However she had to leave the office after being harassed there. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer. Her sisters were not getting married due to their poor financial state. She told me much more. All these factors dragged her to this hell and she started finding comfort in these sort of stuff. I was really depressed.

Pointing fingers: who is responsible?

After what she told me, I started wondering: who is in charge for her condition?
She was driven back by the society when she attempted to pursue a career. It was hard for her to survive in society. She was able to develop a nicotine addiction thanks to society. Who bears responsibility she or the society?

What are your thoughts?
Thank you for your time.
Keep supporting♡
Take care!