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RE: Head to Head!

in OCD4 years ago

This whole thing is just ridiculous now. Can we just get a law suit going and get this asshole put in jail or something please.

ahh and calm...

Anyways, Everything that happenes on steem just makes Hive more appealing, soon the unsure people will start leaving and all that will be left are the farmers and low quality trash that we don't want here anyways.

As for other projects, (warning shameless coin shilling inbound, feel free to ignore)
On project you could look into that might be interesting is Gridcoin, It's really a micro coin only 1mil market cap, but it's got a solid admirable use case, Rewarding contributions to science via BOINC, Got a awesome active dev team and community. Just tends to sit under the radar.

/End Shameless coin shilling


I'm telling you this is just gonna be mud slinging if this fork goes through.

Anyways, let's see how it goes! I will probably not invest into another small coin. Mine is steem/hive and that's enough! Probably playing more safe on some of the bigger coins. Or even gold.