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RE: Community: Please vote Return Proposal

in OCD2 years ago

Wow, getting in the proposal page left me in awe. Many projects ask for lots of money DAILY. I personally am just a content creator but common sense strikes me hard when it comes to having guarantees. Living in a country corrupted at it's core does that to people.

I don't believe my vote would do much diference, but yes, let's protect the pool or eventually will dilute into nothing.

Alternately, I would like to know the criteria you use for downvoting. Maybe it's harder when it comes to writed content, because normally, fresh people coming to hive require experience to learn how to make a proper post and by doing well they are rewarded so the issue kind of solves on itself. So what kind of posts do you downvote? Perhaps I can help too.


Awareness is important. You were not aware of this and now you are. That is the step in the right direction.

Don't worry about downvote now. I typically don't ask anyone to downvote. It is an occuputation hazard, and I do not want it on anyone else. Thank you for visiting.