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RE: The formula for building influence

in OCD4 years ago

You might have an opinion on this one based on your work...have you heard of the Dale Carnegie classes by chance? If so, what's your opinion on it? Just curious, as I'm dealing with it for the company I work for, and I have some opinions about it of my own - lol - thx!


I have never come directly across them. The only thing I know of Dalen Carnegie is the book "how to win friends and influence people" which while dated (I haven't read it since I was 15), still has a lot of relevance at its core - funny considering it is 100 years old.

Yeah, it's pretty dated (lots of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Christ examples), but the core of it is logical. I mean, Charlie Manson was a big fan, so it can be that bad, right ?;)

I mean, Charlie Manson was a big fan, so it can be that bad, right ?;)

Does that qualify as "Proof of Work" ?

Definitely, old school style!