I tried to draw Al Aqsa Mosque

in OCD4 years ago

Hello everyone hope you all are doing well.We all are passing through a tough time right now during this corona virus pandemic. The second wave of corona viruses is spreading rapidly so please stay home and stay safe. Wear a mask if you go out at any necessary cause.

Eid is the biggest religious festival of Muslims. Many countries in the world are celebrating Eid today and Eid will be celebrated in our country tomorrow.Since Eid is a religious festival, I tried to draw something religious. And today I drew Al Aqsa mosque. Al Aqsa Mosque is located in Jerusalem. It is a very sacred place for Muslims.Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of the oldest structures in Muslim culture.Since tomorrow is the happiest day for Muslims, I tried to draw something about Muslim culture and structures.

And this is the Al-Aqsa Mosque that I have drawn. Although not quite But i tried my best to draw this. The structure of Al Aqsa Mosque is very difficult to draw but it was very fun to draw this. I enjoyed a lot.


Sharpe nar
water colour

Now I will share some steps of this drawing with you all. Which will contain the whole process of my drawing

Step 1
Pencil sketch


And that's the pencil sketch of my art.First I draw this pencil art and then step by step I draw the whole art.Making this pencil sketch was the most difficult part of this art. I think once you can make a pencil sketch, the rest becomes much easier.

Step 2
Now it's time to colour this drawing.And it was not so difficult.


First I paint the minaret of the mosque. Then I paint the whole mosque.

Step 3


Step 4

After so many steps, my art is complete. The art I drew today is very different from my other art.This was an amazing experience because for the first time i tring to draw to religious thing. This feeling was really good. Because this is something that is very close to my heart. Today I drew Al Aqsa Mosque and I will try to present to you the art of more religious traditions in the future.

And this is my complete art.


So that's all for today. Hope you all enjoy reading this blog. See you all at my next art blog. Wish everyone's good health untill then.

Thank you.


What a beautiful piece ..nice art work

Thank you bro.