A peaceful night.

in OCD4 years ago

Hello everyone hope you all are doing well. Today i'm here with some of my mobile photography .Hope you all will enjoy reading this blog.And one more thing, We all are passing through a tough time right now during this corona virus pandemic. The second wave of corona viruses is spreading rapidly so please stay home and stay safe. Wear a mask if you go out at any necessary cause.


Device :I phone 11


After a long time I spent such an evening. I don't get out much because of illness. Then today after a long time friends come to my house to take me. So I went out. I went far by bike. It felt good to be out after so long.The body became fresh as the friends were by his side in the sick body. After a long time I smoked a cigarette. Then I went out again after drinking tea We moved far away from the city. The bike ride on the village road is really a lot to enjoy.I have enjoyed a lot today. There was such a beautiful sun light with us. I closed my eyes and enjoyed this thing.Chatting with friends, singing, smoking cigarettes are all there. The mind became much better. Even for a little peace of mind and your sick body, such an evening is very needed.After an exhausting day, such an afternoon is actually very peaceful.Such an afternoon refreshes the body and mind. I am always looking for such an afternoon. So that my mind becomes better. We can forget all the sorrows of life and merge with nature. At the end of the day, nature has so much to ask for.

So that's all for today. See you all in mynext blog. Wish everyone's good health untill then.

And one more thing, Such a form of healthy world is really very captivating. Inshallah, the plague called Corona will be eradicated from the world I waited for that good day.

Thanks for reading.