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RE: Out to sea

in OCD3 years ago

Haven't been to the beach in a while either, we would normally go weekend mornings but children get lazier as they get older (they don't, my teenagers just like going to bed later and getting up later) and then the mornings got filled with stuff and J has an aversion to going in the evening for some reason (probably because the winds get up most of the time).

It's not just people from other countries, there are some people at handful of sports clubs my kids have been involved with that will whine about how terribly far the half hour drive to another club/grounds is when we have to compete with other clubs.

Also hate to break it to you but you're not showing her what it would have been like to have a sibling, you're showing her what it's like to have a dad that loves teasing XD

Glad you had a great day out and some nice moments captured :)