I thought the character was going to turn out pretty epic from the preview you chucked in artbees ages ago but DAMN totally worth the wait XD
And I want her coat. Would cosplay if I could find all the items. Except maybe the leggings, I just don't look good in leggings XD The amount of time you spent on it was totally worth it.
“Only two people? What are you up to, creepy guy? Stop grinning, please. Is that a fuse?”
This is my favourite bit XD I burst out laughing and then had to share with J as he wanted to know what I was laughing at.
That "teleport" power must be confusing for the poor owls? :D I'm imagining her switching places with an owl and then the owl finding its way back home to her and telling her off XD
Do you use smooth shading or the subdivide modifier?
Taking ages to get the shape you wanted was definitely worth it I think, it looks fantastic. Did I mention I want to steal it? XD
If you can ever be bothered putting the wireframe on, would love to see wireframes of your models :) Don't need to if you can't be bothered or it's too much work though, only weird people like me would be interested in silly things like that :D

Working on this was fun, but since this character was a promise, you specifically liking it so much is one of the main aims for completing this one. So, I'm glad ^^
I only realized I made girl characters in leggings a lot when I finished The Owl. XD Maybe I should try one of those long, elegant victorian skirts next time. But, still, go ahead and steal it, Ry, and cosplay as the version of you in a fictional world! XD
I thought her connect-and-switch-place teleport power would have that effect on the owl as well, but I decided that in the untold narrative the owl she connected with won't have that problem. Problem solved XD
I don't use subdivision modifier on her. She's perfectly production-ready. Except for her wings, which are still in high-poly because I don't want to delay this post any longer. It's been way too long already 😆 I'll show you the wireframe on Discord.
Skin tight clothing is convenient as you can just use shrinkwrap+weightmap and it should work without clipping XD (I don't know if you remember my tantrum from a few weeks ago when this finally entered by idiot head, the worst thing was it was a technique I already knew as well so not like I had to discover it like a lot of the cloth sim stuff I'm learning atm).
I'm glad you didn't long elegant Victorian skirt this one, I could not pull that off and would also probably die because I'd trip over it and fall down some stairs I wasn't anywhere near because that's how klutz I can be XD
Production ready for what, are you aiming for game models?
Clipping is a common problem actually. I observed game models closely while in-game before, clipping is always there to some degree. So, don't worry too much about it, Ry. It's okay to clip sometimes. (Quite the contradiction to what I said to myself when I worked on this, but still) XD
And yes, I'm perfecting my 3D skill to create animation/game-ready models. So low-poly, good topology, and good uv mapping + texturing.
You can have high poly models in animation (which is mostly why I do that because I like insane amounts of detail, see my particle hair XD). Games yeh probably want to be as low as possible but even then game engines seem to be allowing for higher levels of detail these days (or so I've heard anyway as I stopped paying attention to game dev stuff centuries ago x_x).
My over the top perfectionism won't allow clipping x_x My current workaround for my skin tight stuff is an offset XD