I've read English that was more broken from native speakers.
And anyway I find grammatical errors adorable because I'm a terrible person like that.
you can ask me if you want something properly grammared, I do write a lot better than I let on when I'm being conversational ;D
Oh my that wolf looks so badass it hurts. And then double whammy with covid fighting bear aaaahhhh XD
Me: oi wanna see something cute?
me: nope, it's my friend, they make stuff like that
Cub: Awwww. That is awesome. @shadowlioncub comes over and sees corona bear: AHHH it's so cute! That is awesome! That is epic! [laughing] I hope that's in a game I can download and play.
If you're not already you should totally do some story stuff with some of these characters.
Glad you're back anyway :D
Despite the reassurance from some people, I still not so confident about my English lol. But ok, I'll ask you that when I'm stuck with words! ^^
Spidey's character is The Spider, so, you know who The Wolf is ;)
I've written a story about Teddy and coronavirus already, actually. He's with another character in it. Only need some more rechecking until I'm 10000% sure it's good to go XD
Glad I'm able to be back too. I hope for long this time.