Saludos estimados y amigos de hive. Para mi es un honor estar con ustedes. Hoy les voy a hablar de una exposicion de ganado vacuno y porcino.
Greetings dear friends of hive. It is an honor for me to be with you. Today I am going to tell you about a cattle and swine show.
Todos los años en mi pueblo tucupido, Guarico venezuela. Hacen unas ferias del pueblo. Esas ferias traen entre tantas cosas la exposicion de ganado. Alli llevamos todos los años a David Jose que le encanta el ganado. En estas ferias hay muchos tipos de ganado. Brahman, Holstein, Pardo suizo, Gyr y Tipo carora.
Every year in my town tucupido, Guarico venezuela. They make some village fairs. These fairs bring among many things the exhibition of cattle. Every year we take David Jose who loves cattle. In these fairs there are many types of cattle. Brahman, Holstein, Swiss Pado, Gyr and Carora type.
Llevan ganando de todas partes de venezuela. Desde 2 meses de nacido. Hasta 6 años que tienen un peso aproximado de 900 a 1000 kilos y mas. Este tipo de animales son muy mansos como se puede apreciar en la foto. Este tipo de ganado todos son doble proposito. De leche y carne.
They have been winning from all over Venezuela. From 2 months old. Up to 6 years old with an approximate weight of 900 to 1000 kilos and more. This type of animals are very tame as you can see in the photo. This type of cattle are all dual purpose. Milk and meat.
Tambien se exibe en estas ferias la raza de cerdo landrace. Aqui en esta zona se les dice cochino 4 pernil.
The landrace breed of pig is also exhibited at these fairs. Here in this area they are called cochino 4 pernil.
Bueno amigos y seguidores de hive. Espero les agrade mi publicacion. Es hecha con mucho cariño y seriedad para todos ustedes. Cuento con su apoyo y que Dios me los bendiga.
Well friends and followers of hive. I hope you like my publication. It is made with love and seriousness for all of you. I count on your support and may God bless you.
Livestock expo are very educational for kids, good job.👍👍👍👍
Greetings @rrom21 very interesting and how good it is to include our children in this type of activities since at present our country and specifically the plains states their major livelihood comes from livestock and agriculture. Blessings @diana20