All HIVE Friends. Alhamdulillah, we meet again on this beautiful night with a very sunny atmosphere and weather. I pray that all friends are always in good health and easy, all affairs are also always in the protection of Allah and may the activities carried out be achieved as aspired.
Dear friends, In this post, I want to share the memories of the photos we held when the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad was held in a correctional institution or prison class 2B, Bireuen district. The birthday was attended by all official agencies and also all fostered citizens and was also equipped with an Islamic Da'wah event in commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam.
Alhamdulillah, the implementation of Maulid this time was very lively because in addition to having a meal together, there was also a competition event between the inmates, namely the prisoners in the correctional institution, namely those who went to the valley from representatives of several rooms to compete for the champions of several competitions.
namely a competition in the field of reading the Koran as well as a call to prayer competition and also a competition to become the best priest and become exemplary inmates so that this event makes the inmates enthusiastic to follow and try to be the best and also give prizes directly handed over on the stage when the birthday event is held as which I show in some of the photos above.
finally the event closed with eating together and also attending the Maulid lecture, may the blessings of the Prophet's struggle continue to flow to us and we are able to follow him in all aspects of our lives and hopefully the fostered people in Bireuen LP will become citizens of noble character as the Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam wassalamualaikum. amen amen ya Allah ya rabbal alamin.
That's my post on this occasion. I hope that what I have written and posted here can all be useful for all of us and become reading material and material for consideration and evaluation for all of us.
Thank you very much and the highest thanks to all friends who have visited, read, shared, provided comments / criticisms / suggestions, and gave an assessment of my writing.
And I also thanks to all of my friends who are willing to visit and read my posts. Your attention and support means a lot to me.I want to thank @ocdb as a admin in this OCD the wonderful community. I really love to join here .
Thank you very much to all friends who support each other on the HIVE social media platform that we love. I hope we will continue to grow together, help each other help each other maintain mutual respect and progress and succeed together.
That's my post on this occasion. I hope that what I have written and posted here can all be useful for all of us and become reading material and consideration for all of us.
See you again on another occasion in the next post.
Good Luck Tgk @rijalaronaceh
Bahasa Indonesia
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wbarakatuh.
Sahabat HIVE Semuanya. Alhamdulillah kita berjumpa kembali pada malam yang indah ini dengan suasana dan cuaca yang sangat cerah ini saya berdoa agar semua sahabat sekalian selalu dalam keadaan sehat walafiat mudah segala urusan juga selalu dalam lindungan Allah dan semoga kegiatan yang dilaksanakan tercapai sebagaimana yang dicita-citakan.
Sahabat Sekalian, Dalam tulisan Postingan kali ini saya ingin membagikan memori foto-foto saat pelaksanaan Maulid Nabi Muhammad kami adakan di lembaga pemasyarakatan ataupun penjara kelas 2B kabupaten Bireuen. Maulid tersebut diikuti oleh seluruh instansi pejabat dan juga seluruh warga binaan dan juga dilengkapi dengan acara Dakwah islamiyah dalam rangka memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad shallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Alhamdulillah pelaksanaan maulid kali ini berlangsung sangat meriah karena selain diadakan acara makan bersama juga diadakan acara perlombaan antar warga binaan yaitu pada tahanan yang ada di lembaga pemasyarakatan tersebut yaitu mereka ke lembah dari perwakilan beberapa kamar untuk memperebutkan juara beberapa cabang perlombaan.
yaitu diadakan perlombaan di bidang baca quran juga lomba adzan dan juga lomba menjadi imam terbaik serta menjadi warga binaan teladan sehingga acara ini membuat antusias pada warga binaan untuk mengikuti dan berusaha menjadi yang terbaik dan juga diberikan hadiah langsung diserahkan di atas panggung saat acara maulid dilaksanakan sebagaimana yang saya tampilkan dalam beberapa foto diatas.
akhirnya acara ditutup dengan makan bersama dan juga mengikuti ceramah maulid semoga berkah dari pada perjuangan rasulullah terus mengalir kepada kita dan sebuah kita mampu untuk mengikuti beliau dalam segala aspek kehidupan kita dan semoga warga binaan di lp Bireuen menjadi warga yang berakhlak mulia sebagaimana akhlaknya rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallamalam . amin amin ya Allah ya rabbal alamin.
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