Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings. Fellow Congregations and Friends, Let's Waqaf of Wood and Zinc for Us to Build 1 Study Center in Dayah MUDA village Lancok2 Bireuen.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Jama'ah2 dan Sahabat Sekalian, Mari kita Waqaf kayu dan Seng Untuk Kita Bangunkan 1 Balai Pengajian di Dayah MUDA desa Lancok2 Bireuen.
Read more in the following link
Submission of Donations from the Dayah Muda Recitation Center through Tgk Rijal Blang Blahdeh Rp. 5.300,000. Donor List2 :
Suraiya Panton 200
Zakat for Eric Heri Saputra Eos Cellphone 4 million
Nasriyati pkn new 100
Sis Yusra Toko Rama Bireuen 300
Sis Maimunah BNA 300
Safrina Riau 150
P Muarif Poltek 250
Remembering that Santri2 must study & pray congregational prayers on the ground, so if there is alms / waqf, you can transfer to BSI: 1058597615
My AN: RIZAL AZHARI, WA 085362473416. Or directly to dayah. Prayers for you, May Allah make it easy for all the affairs of the donors.
Simak Selengkapnya di link Berikut ini
Penyerahan Sumbangan Balai Pengajian Dayah Muda Melalui Tgk Rijal Blang Blahdeh Rp. 5.300.000. List Donatur2 :
Suraiya Panton 200
Zakat bg eric Heri Saputra Eos Ponsel 4jt
Nasriyati pkn baru 100
Kak Yusra Toko Rama Bireuen 300
Kak Maimunah BNA 300
Safrina Riau 150
P Muarif Poltek 250
Mengingat Santri2 Harus Belajar & Shalat Jamaah di atas tanah, Maka Bila Ada Sedekah / Waqaf boleh Transfer ke BSI: 1058597615
AN saya: RIZAL AZHARI, WA 085362473416. Atau langsung ke dayah. Doa Kamoe Semoga Allah Mudahkan Segala Urusan Donatur2 Mandum Beutroeh hajat2 & Cita2, Beu Sabe2 Lam lindungan & Petunjuk Allah Serta Sehat Selalu, Amin2 ya Allah🤲🏻🕌🕋
Hopefully we can all help each other in life in this world and that will make Allah help us in life in the grave and in the hereafter.
That's my post this time, hopefully we can all work together well and can do all our positive activities for our lives that are more advanced and more developed, see you in the next post.
Thank you very much and the highest thanks to all friends who have visited, read, shared, provided comments / criticisms / suggestions, and gave an assessment of my writing.
I want to thank to all of my friends who are willing to visit and read my posts. Your attention and support means a lot to me.
Thank you very much to all friends who support each other on the HIVE social media platform that we love. I hope we will continue to grow together, help each other help each other maintain mutual respect and progress and succeed together.
That's my post on this occasion. I hope that what I have written and posted here can all be useful for all of us and become reading material and consideration for all of us.
See you again on another occasion in the next post.
Good Luck Tgk @rijalaronaceh
Sampai jumpa lagi di kesempatan yang lain Dalam Postingan Selanjutnya.
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✍ Tgk @rijalaronaceh
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Blang Blahdeh Bireuen
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Twitter: Rijal_Aron_Aceh
Youtube: Tgk Rijal Aron Blang Blahdeh
WA & Telegram: +6285362473416
Discord: rijalaronaceh#2619