Third Anniversary and the End of Another "Dream:" Goodbye Steem...

in OCD4 years ago

A short while ago, our final Steem powerdown completed and the last set of Steem tokens were exchanged for Hive and then powered up here, along with a few tokens being set aside in the "savings" account.

And so, yet another "thing" has ended.


Quick Look Back...

I started this account as a sort of adjunct to our then brick-and-mortar art gallery — "The Red Dragonfly" — on June 13th, 2017 when the promise of potentially earning a small sideline income stream which having a social content profile was still a reality.

Indeed, there were even a couple of months where our blogging income actually paid the electric and phone bills... *there were the days!

So we ultimately made it just past the three year mark, as the "Steem Chapter" of our journey ends. There's just a tiny handful of tokens left, enough to occasionally be able to log in and poke around.

The final "score"

Decay and Failure

It is sad to consider just how rarely promising projects actually turn out to be anything.

In the meantime, that store this blog was supposed to help had gone under, the result of various economic shortcomings we simply couldn't resolve.

Meanwhile Steem — for which we at one time had hopes would "do" something — seems to be foundering under its current leadership. At least I can't figure out what's going on!

I am just thankful that the Steem token maintained enough value that we have been able to end up with a modest net gain as a result of the experience and now can continue on Hive with 1,082 HP.


Going Forward...?

I'd still like to occasionally post some "Art and Creativity Related" content here and at least keep the spirit of the Red Dragonfly alive, in some small way.

And if — by some utterly unexpected miracle — Hive and "alt coins" enjoy a bit of a renaissance, perhaps we'll even have a small pile of "savings" that'll eventually help us pay off some of our debts.

Not holding my breath on that one, mind you!

Thanks for reading!



After 2,5 years my PowerDown will be completed in 3 weeks, it feels a bit like leaving a relationship, i was a social virgin and started very blue, but with so much fun , and i never looked back. The change with the coming from a certain someone is something that i regret, that arrival could have been done so different. Yet i will never close my account i still have a little flame burning inside and maybe....... maybe ...... Have a great day and thanks for a trip down medeorganisator lane
