Hi All OCD Friends!!!
On this occasion I want to tell you about playing futsal in Aloh Cunda. Last Monday night we had a schedule for members to play futsal at Aloh Cunda. After praying, God willing, I immediately got ready to go to junior coffee to gather there before playing futsal. Arriving at junior coffee, I immediately parked the train and then made a short post.
Finished making the post, the hour was already at 20.55 WIB, we immediately rushed to go to Aloh Futsal Karma. Our schedule to play tonight is at 21.00 WIB until 22.00 WIB. Arriving at Aloh futsal, we immediately put on our shoes while waiting for the other friends to come. After we finished putting on our shoes, we started playing futsal.
After all of them entered, we distributed friends who were good at playing futsal so they wouldn't be biased when we played later. And tonight we played futsal with a team of 4 and consisted of one team, namely 5 people. The game starts with one match, we set the time for 5 minutes, if the match is frequent, both clubs leave and enter clubs that have not played.
Until finally over time while we were playing futsal some of our friends were tired and some of them still had a strong physique. And at 22.00 wib the bell rang and finally our futsal game stopped because it was time to play. After playing futsal I immediately changed clothes and then I went straight home because it was already late at night.
That's my post tonight which tells about playing futsal in Aloh Cunda, See you in my next post.
Greetings from me,